-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Strange - when these two guys came up with the "idea"

It was a consortium of artists who came up with the idea, not just 'two

>of the light
>memorial shortly after the WTC demise and demolition they should have
>given a credit line as to whom and what used these symbols quite
>effectively and it was the Architech Albert Speer


Even the previous article you provided to ostensibly 'prove' your point had
everyone except the liberal Green Party mayor who was insisting on
Political Correctness quite rightly saying that absolutely no one today
associates light shows with Albert Speer...

Light shows were done years before Speer came on the scene, most notably at
amusement parks from 1900 thru the 1930s, when the use of electrical lights
on a large scale was still a novel idea and therefore was as much an
attraction for the public as the sideshows and rides at such parks...

Hitler was an art student who did paintings; does that mean every painter
since Hitler is secretly honoring Hitler?

Hitler also loved Wagner, and thought his operas described the New Reich of
the Aryan Superman; does that mean that every performance of "Twilight of
the Gods" since 1945 is a tribute to Hitler?  Does the Wagner/Nazi
connection to "Parsifal" mean that the cartoon strip "Prince Valiant" is
really a 'nod' to the Nazis?

Speer didn't create anything new, he just built on what had been done
before, albeit with unlimited resources at his disposal.  If there was any
one TRUE creative genius of Nazi Germany, it was the filmmaker Leni
Reifenstahl (sp?), whose "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" contained such
ground-breaking techniques that almost every filmmaker since has utilized
at least one technique that Reifenstahl originated...

But that doesn't mean that all those subsequent filmmakers were honoring
either Reifenstahl or Hitler or the Nazis, only that they recognized
dramatic artistic techniques that could be used for other purposes...

>A holocaust was committed on the Twin Tower site - but what will always
>be remembered is Larry Silverstein with the new plans (when he even
>stole that idea from somebody else for they were plans submitted but not
>chosen for first World Trade Center) - anywyay it will always be
>remembered it was Larry Silverstein who the next day had the new plans
>on the drawing board waiting for his 7 billion dollar insurance policy
>to bear fruit.

It's been pointed out to you time and time again, duncehead, that
Silverstein did NOT have 'new plans' the day after the attacks, he had one
of many alternative plans that had been submitted to the Port Authority
back in the early 1960s when the WTC was first proposed and put out to bid
for design...the PA has kept all of the other plans in storage and they are
all available for consideration for possible reconstruction of the site...

>These lights are a nice memorial to Albert Speer

Only for you...but since you admire the Nazis and all things Aryan, this is
no surprise...

>Now all we need is to hear Amazing Grace played day and night until the
>people of New York cannot tolerate anymore of this holocaust.

Actually we HAVE been hearing it almost every day since 9/11, as more
remains of firefighters are recovered and yet another funeral is held...

We in the NYC metro area are far from becoming intolerant 'of this

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