-Caveat Lector-

"...I was flying in a rented Cessna 172SP and was
planning to do the VOR approach at FWN and an ILS at
MSV to keep my instrument skills in check, when I
climbed out to about 2500 and leveled out to stay
under Class B airspace floor, I was right about over
Lincoln Park airport (N07) when I glanced back at the
city and saw the smoke coming out of WTC (it was a VFR
and a million morning, so you could really see far
out), "damn! wtf?" I thought as I hit the throttle and
went direct to Alpine Tower where I joined the Hudson
VFR corridor, and tuned in to the self-announcement
UNICOM freq 123.05. There was all kinds of talk about
a "commuter plane gone into WTC"
NEWS4 - Gavel to Gavel with Andrew Cohen
... sic) they saw a small commuter plane crash into
the World Trade Center ... official says the first
plane to hit the World Trade Center this morning was
hijacked ...
www.kcnc.com/gaveltogavel/091501.html - 8k

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