-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(saba note:   according to one report, the World Trade Center was built
>on "landfill"?)

More of your unsubstantiated "it has been said", Colleen?

The WTC was NOT built on 'landfill'; it was built in an area that had
previously been developed with smaller buildings, most of which housed
electronics stores and was nicknamed "Radio Row"....the tenants of "Radio
Row" tried to fight the Imminant Domain takeover of their buildings by the
city, and that fight delayed the onset of construction of the WTC for

To be able to support the vast weight of the two main WTC towers (which at
the time were the largest buildings in the world), builders had to dig down
to bedrock (after the existing buildings on the site were demolished) and
build what has been nicknamed 'The Bathtub' to keep the waters of the
Hudson River, which is only a few hundred yards away, out.  Hudson River
seepage presented a great problem then, as it is presenting now -- what is
NOT mentioned in the article is the fact that if "The Bathtub" walls ARE
breeched and the site floods, it could very likely cause the collapse of
surrounding buildings.

The 'landfill' that is confusing Colleen is the landfill that was CREATED
BY THE WTC CONSTRUCTION; the tons of dirt excavated from the 16-acre WTC
site as they dug down to bedrock was deposited a few hundred yards away at
the Hudson River, and created what is today known as Battery Park...


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