-Caveat Lector-

From: saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Remember once when in elementary school my mother found out in the
>little girls rooms, there were no doors on the johns......and teachers
>would walk in and look around - little 2 and 3 graders......and two bull
>mooses seemed to be in charge.

You shouldn't call your mother a bull moose, Colleen...it insults real bull

>So my mother who was also a school teacher but not in school employ at
>the time, began to wonder about these people.....

It seems your mother was doing a little peeping of her own, else why would
she even be in the girls room when you admit she didn't even work for the

>Well within a week an embarrassed school board had the doors installed
>and no more peep shows.

Much to your mother's disappointment, no doubt...

>I still remember those two women and both were built like Janet
>Reno......some of these bull moose have a style unto themselves.

Ah, so your mother took you along on her peeping expeditions?

>Lets have big Show and Tell Days in the Schools - get those lesbian
>nurses and homosexual teachers for it is SHOW TIME.

You still are under the delusion that homosexuality = pedophilia, aren't

The other day there was a breaking story in the NYC area, not sure if it
was in a NYC school or a school in NJ, but big scandal over a
40-something-year-old male computer teacher molesting a handful of
4th-grade girls in his class...

So does that mean all heterosexuals are pedophiles?

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