-Caveat Lector-


=======================Forwarded Message=======================

I received the latest issue of Rolling Stone in the mail yesterday and I
just finished it.The article is in issue #893 and dated 4/11/02.
The author is Randall Sullivan. The article describes at least a dozen
phone calls from the "hijacked" plane to loved ones and also has
descriptions of the cockpit voice recorder transmissions.
I was under the impression that none of the transcripts were released to
the public yet. There is also a full page artists rendition of a hijacker
standing over a bloody body with a box-cutter dripping blood as male
passengers approach(one even rolling back his shirt sleeves in preparation
for battle!).
The article also describes the bodies of the captain and flight officer
lying murdered in the first class cabin!!
30 minute phone calls; unnamed witnesses on the ground seeing the intact
plane crash nose first to the earth; passengers watching the "terrorists"
tying on red bandanas;WHERE is all this coming from???
Is it disinfo,insider scoop or fiction???
Only time will tell.
Tom Mooney

p.s. This article does not appear to be online so it would be
prudent(Thanks Poppy)to run out and grab it now($4.95)

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