-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Adil Haj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 4:31 AM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Israeli forces cut off all water supplies to

April 3, 2002, GMT 1500

URGENT: Israeli forces cut off all water supplies to Ramallah

The following two messages were posted today at The Electronic Intifada's
Live From Palestine section at http://www.electronicintifada.net/diaries/

The occupation forces have turned off the water supplies to the WHOLE of
Ramallah seriously endangering 120,000 people. This action is a grave breach
of the Fourth Geneva Conventions.

Please write and call the U.S. government immediately to demand specifically
that the water be turned back on and that Israel be forced to end its

*U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell Direct line: (202) 647-1512
Public Affairs Bureau: (202) 647-6575

The Live from Palestine site is being updated all the time with information
that you won't get in the mainstream media. Please use this information in
all your contacts with government officials and the media.


Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Israeli military turns off water to all Ramallah

Posted by The Editor

Al-Bireh/Ramallah, Occupied Palestine -- We have been without water since
this morning. I just confirmed that the Israeli Military has taken over the
main pumping station located in Betounia, next to the Preventive Security
Building that was heavily shelled 2 nights ago. They have tuned off the
pumps to ALL of Ramallah. Our water department does not know if any damage
was done to the pump.

We are calling on all to immediately bring this up in your media, talk
THEIR WATER. Ask your media to inquire with Israeli and U.S. officials.

The whole of Ramallah and Al-Bireh are now utilizing their 24hr reserve
tanks on the roofs of their homes. This is all being done as other
Palestinian cities are facing the same Israeli rampage that Ramallah is

The situation is critical and needs immediate action.

Sam Bahour

Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Ramallah is without water

Posted by The Editor

Ramallah -- I hope you get this message soon. The situation in Ramallah is
as follows: many parts of the town continue to be without water. Even with
the problems of water solved, it will not reach most homes because 6 out of
9 electrical feeding stations are down.

No electricity means no water, no sewage pumping (serious for public health)
and no ovens can work to bake bread, among other problems.

Five of the main feeding stations that provide electricity to Ramallah and
24 western villages are located in the Ramallah industrial zone. The
electricity company is not allowed by the Israeli army to reach the area to
fix the problems. The company was given the ok this morning to fix two other
stations in the Al-Bireh area, where the governorate and President Arafat
located, but as they go out this morning, they are being harrassed and
believe they are in danger.

What we need is immediate intervention to get the feeding stations fixed in
the industrial zone and in other areas.

Without electricity, there will be no water and no bread and a major public
health disaster. I hope you can work on this issue.

The information in this email comes from the electricity company. about
120,000 people in Ramallah and surrounding villages are without electricity
at this moment.

Rita Giacaman
Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit

Also please report the story to the networks:

ABC News - 212-456-4040
CBS News - 212-975-3691
NBC News - 212-664-4971
CNN - 404-827-1511
Fox News - 212-301-3300
MSNBC - 201-583-5222
PBS - 703-998-2150
NPR - 202-414-2200
NY Times - 212-556-1234
USA Today - 703-276-3400
WS Journal - 212-416-2000
Wash. Post - 202-334-6000
Time - 212-522-1212
U.S. News - 202-955-2000
AP 212-621-1600
MSNBC - 201-583-5000
CNBC - 201-585-2622

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