-Caveat Lector-

> There was something frankly disgusting about the wealth and splendour on
> Having proclaimed the end of the welfare state some two decades ago, the
> ruling class has created a country characterised by vast social
inequalities. The
> ceremony took place in the capital city of the world's fourth richest
economy, where
> billions are traded every day. But in contrast the British working class
is amongst the
> poorest in Western Europe-despite working the longest hours. More than
> of all children are born into poverty. Many will leave school with little
or no meaningful
> qualifications, where they will swell the ranks of the more than six
million adults
> already classified as functionally illiterate. How many teachers, nurses,
or other vital
> services could have been brought with the money frittered away in this one
> event?

they needed this contingency to salvage the monarchy and the queens jubilee
for most people - the majority are so starkly poor - especially in the north
of the uk that there seems to be a huge dissatisfaction with the status quo.
witness that blair got elected on the lowest turnout since world war 1

the national health service is fast becoming an EXIT service where cancer
are being left and left to die without treatment - the north of the uk
the lowest life expectancy, the highest poverty, worst services etc etc etc
still NO heart surgeon for the north UK/scotland which has the worst heart
rate probably in europe, also the worst drug problems.
They are having to close hospitals in scoland through lack of funding,
and this at a time that the scottis assembly is sending funds back from
scotland to finance the london tube.
its a totally crazy piece of genocide - so yes they needed the reptoid hypno
to lull the poor victims back to sleep - bread and royal circuses.

> Ending the so-called "something for nothing" society has not applied to
the ruling
> elite, however. The Labour government's pledge of "radical" constitutional
reform has
> been a largely cosmetic exercise that has left hereditary privilege
intact. Not for
> nothing did the Mirror feel bold enough to editorialise on the Queen
Mother: "Yes,
> she was rich and privileged. Yes, she had palaces and servants. Yes, she
had a
> great life at our expense. But she was more than that."

yes she left both her mentally ill sisters to die unattended in a loony bin
once visiting them in 46 years.
They demanded at least the reform and scaling down of the
> monarchy, if not the move to a republic. This met up with the powerful but
> undefined feelings of social discontent amongst broader layers of the
> which felt little sympathy any more for the House of Windsor.

Ah but  Tony still has his designs on some kind of republic and I think this
will fulfill itself in european terms. in 1974 national sovereignty was
signed over
by bilderburger edward heath to europe - and just now the germans are
on their marching boots and boasting of the united states of europe and a
army - more than likely based on the annexing of the UKs military resources
and nuclear capability.
More than likely, however, the UK is internally split - one bunch of
are in with the americans in the UK-USA pact - whilst big dreamers dream
again of being president of europe and lapdog to some local bloodline.

> And so, having demonstrated how the monarchy's tenuous existence depended
> their own power, ruling circles, their government and media have made
every effort
> to rebuild its public image. This has proved to be a difficult task. This
year is the
> occasion of the Queen's Golden Jubilee, but there were fears that the lack
of public
> support for the event could produce a major humiliation with serious
> repercussions. In contrast to the thousands of street parties held during
the Silver
> Jubilee in 1977, local authorities were reporting bookings of just five or
ten. Even
> when the booking deadline was extended, the response remained desultory.
In the
> end, the Queen announced that she would throw her own party in the grounds
of the
> palace for which people could win tickets-a list of popular bands and
> hopefully ensuring a respectable turnout.

the greatest damage to the queens jubilee is the injury to david beckams
without which the punters of england will not feel like emerging to
the england soccer teams defeats in japan in the world cup this summer.
it just so happen that the open air celebrations 'coincide' with england

> The celebration of a "grand old lady's" life became a vehicle for
celebrating Great
> Britain, with an emphasis on tradition and continuity. What better way to
mark the
> advent of the "new imperialism" recently proclaimed by the Blair
government and
> already being marked out in the Middle East and Africa, than with a
display of the
> pomp and ceremony of the old empire. One can only imagine Blair's delight
> returning from his tête-à-tête with US President Bush, and their
discussions on
> bombing Iraq, to such a display of imperial grandeur and naked militarism
on the
> streets of London.

I saw the two spitfires and the lancaster flying down the mall and hoped
hope that we would hear that famous whistling sound of a large dambuster
dropping and bouncing to meet the 'celebrations'
Did you know that the legitimate hier to the throne of scotland is the duke
of bavaria
who was part of the ss and luftwaffe during ww2 ... a cousin of lilibet.

> Britain's media has pronounced itself satisfied with their campaign in
this regard. The
> Mirror editorialised, "There has never been such respect and affection for
the Royal
> Family. What the Monarchy gives Britain is stability, an increasingly
important quality
> in an era of uncertainty.

yes the bilderburger controlled press did their job well - viva the sax
coburg bloodline

Yesterday we looked at Tony Blair and the other politicians
> and did not know what the future will bring for them.

yep thats true too - only a cartoon character could survive the fall in
public opinion
phoney tony has taken - yet - we can maybe see him bouncing back -
this is a cartoon after all ?? right ?? where else could a clown like that
keep power.

The media and the establishment circles it serves will find to its
> cost that it is one thing to stage-manage a funeral and quite another to
build a viable
> base of social and political support for an outmoded system of rule. In
the final
> analysis, all the pomp and ceremony, all the talk about "saving" the
monarchy only
> underscores that it is precisely social and political support that is
all credit to the world socialist etc - but they miss the point -
yes the establishment needed to rebuild the monarchy - to instill a sense
of continuity - but only so that the establishment could hide their
genocidal lies in public view -
all society in the UK is crumbling unto dust - from the railways, roads,
health service, education, water, drainage, police force, immense prices,
crime rates, disease control .... unless you stayed within 2 hours drive of
the queen mothers funeral you would be far too busy trying to deal with the
unexpected burial and poverty of someone you know.
London was a controlled zone of 4 wheel drives and country lairds and
rich yuppies - but beneath the veneer is the huge uncertainty of where we go
as a nation - for since we just happen to discover all the new legislation
is being launched from every government orifice and office - we can see
that the UK fulfills the criteria for being the worlds largest open air
concentration camp.

andrew hennessey

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