-Caveat Lector-


The Webfairy
We Come For Peace McKinney, April 20
Mon Apr 22 02:33:07 2002

We Come For Peace
By Rep. Cynthia McKinney
[Remarks to April 20, peace rally in Washington, DC]

We come here today from the four corners of this nation.

We are blacks and whites, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans;
Christians, Muslims, and Jews; gay, lesbian, and straight; immigrants
and native-born Americans; rich and poor.

Here today are representatives of all sections of society: students,
union members . . .

union members on strike . . .

homeless veterans . . .

and everyday warriors on the battlefield for justice.

But despite all our differences, we are here today . . . one
community with one thing in common: a desire to see the restoration
of the true ideals of America.

America -- where fundamental rights to vote, speak, and practice
religion mean something.

A country that has a democratic form of government, a democratic way
of life and a nation in which all can participate freely in political
activity and share in the abundance of its harvest.

But America today is still a far cry from the noble Republic founded
upon those words: "All men are created equal."

We have not dealt well with our diversity and too many of our
citizens suffer needlessly.

Each day millions of Americans suffer poverty, hunger, the sting of
discrimination . . .

arbitrary arrest, racial profiling, and brutality from rogue police . . .
inadequate health care, drug abuse, and unemployment.

For the millions of poor Americans, ours is not a just society.

More than 31 million Americans live in poverty. One in every six of
our children live in poverty.

Some of our nation's poor even sleep each night on the steps of the
buildings just visible from the bedrooms of the White House.

And sadly, many of those who sleep on America's streets are our
veterans from US wars . . .

Sadly, nor is ours a democratic society.

In November 2000, the Republicans stole from America our most
precious right of all: the right to free and fair elections.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State Katherine
Harris, created a phony list of convicted felons--57,700 to be exact--
to "scrub" thousands of innocent people from the state's voter rolls.
Of the thousands who ultimately lost their vote through this scrub of
voters, 80% were African-American, mostly Democratic Party voters.
Had they voted, the course of history would have changed. Instead,
however, Harris declared Bush the victor by only 537 votes.

Now President Bush occupies the White House, but with questionable

But however he got there, his Administration is now free to spend one
to four billion dollars a month on the war in Afghanistan .
. .

free to cut the high deployment overtime pay of our young service men
and women fighting in that war . . .

free to propose drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve
National Park . . .

free to stonewall on the Enron and Energy Task Force investigations . . .

free to revoke the rules that keep our drinking water free of
arsenic . . .

free to get caught in Venezuela . . .

and free to propose laws that deny our citizens sacred freedoms
cherished under the Constitution.

We must dare to remember all of this.

We must dare to debate and challenge all of this.

And that is why we are here today.

We come here today to chart a new course for our communities and for

To fight against bigotry, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against injustice, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against poverty, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against the destruction of our environment, we stand
together as one and we must.

To wage peace instead of war, we stand together as one and
we must.

Because, through our efforts, I believe we can once again, make
America a force for good in the world.

We, as the world's most powerful nation have a responsibility to act
in defense of the weak and to protect them from harm.

We failed in Rwanda.

We failed in Srebrenica.

We failed in East Timor.

And now, as we speak, we fail in Jenin.

Let us dedicate ourselves here today, to join together as one.

When one person stands up and speaks out for the suffering of the
weak, a tiny ripple of hope is created.

When numerous people stand and demand justice for the multitude who
have been forgotten, a strong current of possibilities is

When an entire community stands up and demands change a mighty wave
of freedom and justice is created.

We gather here today and we speak with one voice . . .

And let us remember, that one person can make a ripple.

One ripple can make a movement.

One movement can make a voice.

And one voice can make mighty change.

Let us leave here today and make the change this country needs to be
loved and respected around the world once again.

And remember one thing: Register and Vote!

Cynthia McKinney represents Georgia's Fourth Congressional District.
She can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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