Two of the grants in the year 2000 totaled $472,883. Sheehy's claim that Gore gave the group $500,000 may have represented a rounding of that sum. His claim that it was used to help pay for the clubhouse has not been confirmed. A third grant in 2000 raised the total for the year to $698,000. The questionable events mentioned in Souder's letter included a "gay fisting event" and a "booty call," where "dildos, plugs, fisting and rimming" were discussed along with "tales of intercourse and orgasm." Others were a GUYWATCH, "where a guy can make friends and find dates" and a "Great Sex Workshop," a "hands-on, clothes-on exploration of intimacy and fantasy." These and three similar events were advertised on the Stop AIDS Project's Website.
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While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.
Matthew 13:25
Archibald Bard
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