[Heterosexual seminarians were "propositioned, harassed or even molested," Rose revealed. At one seminary, heterosexual students were forced to submit to homosexual behavior by faculty members who used upper classmen to recruit "Fresh Meat" to satisfy their perverted desires.]
New Book Reveals Truth of Church Sex Scandal NewsMax.com
The burgeoning sex scandal engulfing the Roman Catholic Church has mystified many Americans who are at a loss to understand how this outrage could have occurred and been kept under wraps for so long.
But now a shocking new book provides the shocking answer.
In Michael Rose's blockbuster "Goodbye, Good Men, How Catholic Seminaries Turned Away Two Generations of Vocations from the Priesthood" he exposes the corruption of the Roman Catholic seminary system in the United States.
Already the liberal mainstream media does not want you to read the book and is keeping a lid on its revelations.
In full and alarming detail, veteran investigative reporter Michael S. Rose examines the root causes of the so-called pedophile priest scandal.
Rose lays bare the astonishing story of the deliberate infiltration of the seminaries by what has been called the "Lavender Mafia," a clique of militant gays, along with an underground of liberal faculty members determined to change the basic doctrines of the Catholic Church.
Rose commits the unforgivable politically incorrect sin by courageously laying the blame for the widespread molestation of teenage boys by priests squarely at the door of the gay Mafia who dominate many of the seminaries responsible for the training and formation of Catholic priests.
For this violation of the taboo against any unfavorable mention of homosexual behavior that exists in the mainstream media, he is being punished by having his book blacklisted by his fellow journalists who simply do not want you to read "Goodbye, Good Men," and learn the true facts.
In the book, written before the latest abuse scandals erupted, Rose insists that the alleged shortage of priests is "artificial and contrived," and the direct result of policies adopted by scores of dioceses for many years - policies that turned the seminary system on its head - and have now driven a stake through the heart of the Catholic Church in America.
"Good Bye, Good Men" is now available from NewsMax.com.

Scores of honorable men faithful to the 2000 year-old doctrines of the Church have been driven out of the seminaries which have given preferential treatment to gays and others wedded to unorthodox doctrines.
Young men who were perfect candidates for the priesthood were subjected to such ordeals as psychological evaluations by health professionals with anti-Catholic views. In one instance, a candidate was interviewed - and rejected - by a fallen-away Catholic who was a local Grand Master of the anti-Catholic Masonic Order.
Another psychological analyst assigned to examine candidates for entrance into a seminary openly advocated homosexual behavior. Dr. David J. Brown, who screens candidates for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown in Pennsylvania "has gone out of his way to make the case that homosexuality is perfectly normal," Rose reports. Brown publicly "argued on spiritual grounds for legitimizing homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle in the public schools." He said he was 'appalled' that the school district had excluded known homosexual speakers from Penn State University."

The problem is so widespread that in 1999, the Catholic Medical Association asserted that "mental health professionals who do not support the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality have been chosen to evaluate candidates for the priesthood and reject candidates who do accept the church's teaching on grounds that they are 'rigid.'" and that "some mental health professionals do not report homosexual attractions and conflicts in candidates for priesthood to diocesan officials or religious superiors."
So pervasive is the homosexual influence in many seminaries that one candidate for the priesthood told Rose, "The issue was never one of my suitability for ordination. Rather it was that the gay clique had been given veto power over who got ordained."
Certain homosexually-dominated seminaries have earned nicknames such as Notre Flame (for Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans) and Theological Closet (for Theological College at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.); St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore has earned the nickname " The Pink Palace."
In some seminaries, students openly prance around in "gay apparel", visit gay bars, and carry on illicit homosexual affairs in their rooms.
Heterosexual seminarians were "propositioned, harassed or even molested," Rose revealed. At one seminary, heterosexual students were forced to submit to homosexual behavior by faculty members who used upper classmen to recruit "Fresh Meat" to satisfy their perverted desires.
Seminarians struggling to absorb and adhere to the ancient doctrines of the church, handed down from the Apostles for 2,000 years find themselves confronted by faculty members who openly dispute the tenets of the Church. "Many faculty members are adverse to teaching what the Church teaches, and some even find it onerous to hide their disdain for Catholicism," Rose wrote. These are merely a few of the explosive revelations in "Goodbye, Good Men."
Tragically, the abuses outlined in this book continue to this day. When NewsMax.com asked Rose if this nonsense was still going on he told us: "Although many seminaries are 'getting better,' the nonsense is still prolific.
"Orthodox candidates are still being turned away in droves, heterosexual seminarians are still being sent to psychological counseling and booted from school, while liberal-minded and pro-gay seminarians are given deferential treatment, put in charge of others, advanced and ordained."

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I urge you to re-post!
While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.
Matthew 13:25
Archibald Bard
ICQ 83834746

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