Celibacy is the state of being unmarried.  Chastity is the avoidance of all sexual activity outside the married state.  As far as Rome is concerned, any attempt to distinguish between celibacy and chastity in the priesthood is an idle exercise in semantics.  Priests who marry (without a dispensation) violate the law of the Church and the divine law of chastity. Throughout the first part of this paper, then, we will be using the word "celibacy" according to the definition proposed by theologian Leonard Weber:
"Celibacy here means not simply the fact of not being married…celibacy is here understood as the unmarried state chosen in the light of the Christian faith, and in particular as one of the duties of the state in life of the clergy of the Latin Church by which they are forbidden to marry and obliged to live in total continence." (Weber, 1975, p.178)


What is called the "United States Government" is a bankrupt corporation underwritten by, in receivership in favor of, and a mere front for the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund (IMF), et.al. 
This private government functions in its own commercial, military, international jurisdiction under the "law of necessity" characterizing the "state of emergency" that has prevailed since the Civil War. 
The law of necessity is actually "no law," i.e. the suspension of law for the purpose of dealing with the "emergency". 
In the law of necessity the "law of the jungle" prevails, in which anything goes, i.e. one may survive at the expense of the lives , rights, and property of others. 
This is a state of war, and truth, ethics, and compassion are the most serious casualties. 
All that matters is winning by any means, there are no rules except "just eat baby". 
"All's fair in love and war", and all governments (no matter how structured, dressed up, and disguised) function in a perpetual state of war between the government and the people. 
This is now codified in law, whereby every "citizen of the United States" is classified as an enemy of the private commercial, corporate government (US Inc.) based upon the Amendatory Act re the Trading With The Enemy Act of March 9, 1933."

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