-Caveat Lector- Well, if the policies on overweight people are passed...then the next to go will be the ugly people...they will have to fly at night so the pretty people won't have to look at them.  Then the people who can't afford nice clothing will have to fly either with the ugly people at night or on designated poor day.  THen of course will be the assault on caffeine, it makes certain people too jumpy and can cause unsettlement if they are upset.  Then, before you know it, all of the ill people will have to be shipped to the moon because the healthy people won't want the weight of having to care for them on their shoulders.  Then...why not kill all of the old people...or at least designate a state just for the geriatrics.  That way slow drivers won't be in our way and June Allyson's depends can be shipped to one state and one state only clearing the aisles in the stores for more things for the thin, pretty, well-dressed rich people to buy.  The insane will be shipped out with the sick and anyone that is less than perfect and makes less than 200,000.00 a year will have the choice of living and doing and buying whatever they want.
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