-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

Dick Eastman is suddenly not able to post to
yahoogroups. I am beginning to have difficulties as
well. Is it just a coincidence that we are sorting
out the following information at the same time?



From: "Agent Smiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: RED_HOT_RAW_DATA_-_PRC_AND_911

--- Patrick Flaherty wrote:
> According to an article Iread, L-3 was launched
> after meeting between Bill GATES of Microsoft,
> Walter Scott, Jr (pres/CEO PETER KIEWET & SONS) and
> Wall street billionaire WARREN BUFFETT. A case can
> be made that new high tech ideas are passed from
> OFFNUT to Omaha based execs.

punch in Q33 into wing dings [a type of font] and out
comes two symbols: an airplane and a skull/crossbones

also, a couple of people have mentioned to me that on
september 10 bill gates traded more shares on the
market than ever in his life...this ought to be
verifiable...i will see what i can find..

> Scott is now on Board of L-3 and on that Board are a
> number of business execs from Omaha including its
> Both Scott and Buffett figure prominently in the
> FRANKLIN COVER UP and that is how In
> stumbled upon their association to birth L-3.
> Per Skolnick, BUFFETT is deeply involved with CIA.
> I have to wonder if the secrets of this technlogy
> were leaked to the Chinese or stolen by them and
> recycled to MONTAUK which I understand is managed
> documented by Dr. Leonard Horowitz, BMI should be
> on the short list of FBI suspects for source of
> letters.
> There is a lot of activity by Chinese government in
> California and I understand that Senator Diane
> Feinstein's husband is very much involved in some of
> this questionable trade between USA and CHINA.

yes there is per: hard drug trafficking and
arms...psychological operations go along with it
> Perhaps these two developments of remote control
> technology are separate developments, but I suspect
> otherwise.
> Patrick

china and september 11

about two weeks after WTC event: Boeing signs
huge China deal

[I wonder how much the price was knocked down, since
China knew other demand for new Boeings would be
following the 9-11-01 air deaths.. --DE]



holy doo-doo!

dave, dick: please let me know if and when you receive


this was posted to ctrl but i reposted to psy-op


Seeking research help to uncover the Golden Triangle
Heroin Trade

I have it on good information that Paul W. Lewis the
American Baptist
Missionary in Burma and Thailand to the Lahu and Akha
was a CIA
agent, upper management.

That he was deeply involved in a major CIA heroin
smuggling ring from
Burma which still exhists to this day.

That he was a mission plant, and that the reason he
was picked was
that he was related to top official(s) in Air America.

I have searched widely on the net and there is almost
no paper trail
on Paul W (white?) Lewis on the web. He now lives in
California at a misson retirement center but people
also advise that
he is a wealthy man.

The Lahu are known drugs dealers in this region, and
it is said that
they were close to the operation in Burma and still
are. The Lahu
are said to still be supported by Lewis and all Akha
who will go to
their "christian" side. The Lahu are still used to
diss the
traditional Akha in this region who will not submit to
their control.

Paul W. Lewis has published much derogatory
information on the Akha
who remain traditional and still backs the overthrow
of their culture
via organizations in Thailand and Burma.

I am seeking any one who can help me trace the
connection between
Paul W. Lewis and this mystery relative in Air

Source says Paul W. Lewis was involved in shipments
worth hundreds
and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.

Web information says that Paul W. Lewis was married to
Elaine Lewis
but that they had no children, adopted one or two, one
of whom died
in Colorado, a diabetic.

We can not find any information on marriage
geneologies, etc. We have submitted FOIA searches to
the DEA and CIA
and been refused on three appeals.

The ongoing opium and heroin trade in the golden
triangle region
contributes to the oppression of the Akha peole as
long as they are
not encoured or allowed the market access and
investment access to
grow other crops which are much more profitable such
as coffee, much
more legal, less disputed, and offer long term
economic security.

Your help is urgently needed. Please contact me
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you are at all able to help. We will continue to
post information
and results of this investigation.

We may yet unveil the Burma CIA Missionary Heroin

Matthew McDaniel


Matthew McDaniel
The Akha Heritage Foundation
Maesai, Chiangrai, Thailand
Donations by check or money order may be sent to:
The Akha Heritage Foundation
PO BOX 6073
Salem OR 97304 USA



Date: Wed Jun 19, 2002 12:40 pm
Subject: Re: [psy-op] CIA heroin dealer, who is he?

Paul W Lewis Is this the same guy who wrote the Hani
Dictionary? He might be
in Yunnan China.

Mathew I have never been able to find a Chinese
Baptist Church except in San
Francisco but the ties to China appear not to be
there. I talked to a Baptist
Minister who has ties to the Naval Intel people and he
says he was unable to
find any Chinese Baptist church Affiliated with the
Baptist Churches of
America but he said the Baptists are a loose

If this Lewis is the same guy in Yunna there is a
large covert weapons
facility in the interior of Yunnan that is reputed to
be conducting human
trials on biowepons AND those same labs are rumored to
have created a SUPER
Heroin using steroids to counteract the wasting common
with heroine

A little side here the steroid was hGH and it was a
cloned source from
embrionic stem cell research (human ovums)

A few years back there was a drug bust (June of 2000
6-15-00 or so) the
heroin was Burma Brown and is was being cut by a
Mexican Black tar gang. The
fingerprint of the heroin had hGH and the Chinese Tong
were shipping it to
the Mexican Black Tar Gang into California, Canada and

It was tainted with clostridium and it was killig
people. Does any of this
ring a bell Matthew?

If it does I might be able track down your Lewis or
tell you how you can



> Paul W Lewis Is this the same guy who wrote the Hani
Dictionary? He
> If this Lewis is the same guy in Yunna there is a
large covert
> facility in the interior of Yunnan that is reputed
to be
conducting human
> trials on biowepons AND those same labs are rumored
to have created
> Heroin using steroids to counteract the wasting
common with heroine
> addiction.


consider the point that it is osama's creation
potential propaganda



In a message dated 6/19/2002 1:34:33 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


consider the point that it is osama's creation
potential propaganda

Thanx for this.very unlikely it is Osama. Where does
he have access to embrionic cloning facilities.
I wonder if it is actually liquid or if they are
referrring to the ability of the stuff to dissolve. In
Europe the street stuff has to be cooked to dissolve
it but this new stuff was smooth I understand.

Funny, Iran has a unique opium poppy and there were
stories in Iran that Iran allowed the US ro use their
airspace because they were openning Afghan AND KURDISH
regions in Iraq to the Iranian trade. They were
replanting fields with the Iranian poppies.

The cave complexes we keep hearing about run from
Afghanistan to Yunnan China and down into Burma
through the Shan Mountains. Thousands of klicks of
connected caves, In the winter it is the only way to
move through the mountain passes.

For a time they were controlled by some drug lord
camps in Cambodia. An Israeli by the name of Shaul
Eisenberg was operating them will Pol Pot until his
death in 97. I worked for Eisenberg in China.Our
company was studying the viability of placing fiber
optic cable for a telecom backbone in that cave
network to service central asia.

Another piece of the puzzle may be Israel because
Eisenberg's bodyguard was Rafi Eitan. Last I heard
Eitan was in Cuba possibly Guantanamo.

If this Lewis is the same guy, this is the network he
is using. Shaul Eisenberg's old digs.

Ok I wonder if the name Wallace has any familiarity to
Matthew, Someone named Wallace took over the Eisenberg
network and is rumored to be using the Wampoa
Huchinson connection in China and Cananda. They are
rumored to be laundering funds through Merrill Lynch's
owners Thomas Fung and Li KaShing. Li Ka Shing was
interested in the backbone project for his company
Global Crossing of Asia....Infact this backbone is
said to be the cornerstone of Global Crossing of
Asia's comeback.

hhhhhmmmmmm.......... I guess it would be real
profitable if they were running herion as well as
selling INTERNET subscriptions..

<<Both investing companies already have a deep
commitment with Global Crossing, with ties that find
its roots in Asia, where Global Crossing has a major
stake in the region. Asia Global Crossing (NYSE:AX), a
parent company spin off that's been trying to merge
again with Global Crossing the past year, is a 50
percent shareholder of StarHub Crossing, a network
company out of Singapore. Singapore Technologies owns
the other 50 percent. Asia Global Crossing owns 50
percent of Hutchinson Global Crossing, a Hong Kong
carrier Hutchinson Whampoa owns the other 50 percent.
"We believe this new equity investment from parties as
strong as Hutchison Whampoa and Singapore Technologies
Telemedia validates our confidence in the strong
future of our company," Legere said. "This investment,
along with the financial and operational restructuring
that we're implementing, will strengthen our balance
sheet and enable Global Crossing to build a
sustainable business upon its existing unmatched
global network.'' >>>



the list has been active since about october...in that
time there
have been several moments when i felt intimidated
often by in-person
exchanges with people that i meet

yet all this time...nothing has happened...

the tactics used against me have not changed and this
would seem to
indicate that whoever calls these shots thinks they
are getting the
effect desired...so what would that be?

am i being encouraged to broadcast anxiety?



In a message dated 6/20/2002 1:46:31 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the list has been active since about october...in that
time there
have been several moments when i felt intimidated
often by in-person
exchanges with people that i meet

yet all this time...nothing has happened...

the tactics used against me have not changed and this
would seem to
indicate that whoever calls these shots thinks they
are getting the
effect desired...so what would that be?

am i being encouraged to broadcast anxiety?

Since I had my Company in China seized I have had
similar "threats". Vague disturbing coincidences. Odd
phonecalls with taped messages, someone reading
jokes...messages asking if I need health insurance,
other tapes asking me to press 3 to find out about an
art exhibit of Chinese art that was to begin in
2001...only they are still sending me the message, the
abandoned truck left in the middle of the alley behind
my house that the police did not ticket or move for 3
weeks even though the parking people came by 2ce a
week for 3 weeks. The street cleaner had to go around
the truck.. And there was another abondoned car
behind my house with words like "Whore quit mess with
our Homies or we are going to rape your black ass".
But te best was after 911 when there was a HUGE sign
outside my bedroom window that someone painted of the
twin towers being hit with a plane and the words
"Bitch are you happy now?" Did I tell you that I had
sent some people to NY after word that some of my
chinese employees had escaped China and had been
employed to renovate the WTC? That was Sept 6 2001...

I figure eventually they will make good. But in the
mean time I refuse to move. If they are going to shoot
me they can do that anyplace anytime so why go to the
expense of moving? I already got dragged into a
basement in chinatown once. I had a rather unpleasant
experience, I figure they will do it again. At least I
can see the zebra move in familiar surroundings. Did
I tell you the LAPD does not respond too fast either?
They show up 45 minutes late and drop evidence while
laughing so I am on my own in this.

They like to scare you so don't scare.



Did I tell you that I had sent some people to NY after
word that some
> of my chinese employees had escaped China and had
been employed to
> the WTC? That was Sept 6 2001...

could you elaborate on this?



In a message dated 6/20/2002 3:10:18 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Did I tell you that I had sent some people to NY after
word that some
> of my chinese employees had escaped China and had
been employed to
> the WTC? That was Sept 6 2001...

could you elaborate on this?

My company's name is CAAC. We were mentioned in the
Cox report so you might have heard of it. One partner
was arrested in the interior in 2000 and his
wereabouts are unknown. One partner is still alive and
is highly placed in the Chinese government.

Since many have been arrested I still look for
information on people I knew and transfer of
information and people.

The company was working on the developement of remote
control aircraft and on Sept 6th I recieved word that
some of my people may have been released o from china
to work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was told
they had been contacted to be in a work detail in the
WTC which was being renovated. Ruppert Murdoch and
Times warner had transferred some schema from ther
office in Guangzhou to the US military for a test of
the ROTHR radar system to be used on the Air traffic
control system based in the naval station in Montauk
NY. That magnetic ring in Montauk that controls the
ATC system for the east coast has malfunctioned
several times.

The US needs the technology for the Missile defense
Shield. They have to be able to control missiles to
hit other missile.

If you think back there was going to be a Missile test
the next day or even that evening.

To be honest with you I warned everyone I could think
of that the computer program is NOT compatible with US
military software. It never occurred to me that some
one would be stupid enough to put fit passenger jets
with the hardware and try to test the program on slow
moving jets. It had already malfunctioned and the US
military knew it.. I did not know when or how they
were going to test it. I sent somone to NY to find out
from the people if anyone knew anything. the courier
was in JFK when the first plane hit.



Date: Thu Jun 20, 2002 4:33 pm
Subject: Check out welcome AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT



> In a message dated 6/20/2002 3:10:18 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
> > Did I tell you that I had sent some people to NY
after word that
> > > of my chinese employees had escaped China and
had been employed
> > renovate
> > > the WTC? That was Sept 6 2001...
> > >
> >
> > could you elaborate on this?
> >
> My company's name is CAAC. We were mentioned in the
Cox report so
you might
> have heard of it. One partner was arrested in the
interior in 2000
and his
> wereabouts are unknown. One partner is still alive
and is highly
placed in
> the Chinese government.
> Since many have been arrested I still look for
information on
people I knew
> and transfer of information and people.
> The company was working on the developement of
remote control
aircraft and on
> Sept 6th I recieved word that some of my people may
have been
released o
> from china to work on a change over of ATC Radar.

i take it you are aware of the information pointing to
the use of
remote control in the steering of planes into the WTC
and pentagon?

also...did you know that china bought nearly four
hundred million
dollars worth of those very 757's that hit the twin

given the video evidence, seems that SOMETHING was
working quite well
that day as the video shows a fighter jet slamming
into the pentagon
while seemingly firing a missile ahead of itself
first...also in the
DOD video can be seen two fighters veering on a wide
curve above the
pentagon...it has been said that the most efficient
way to remotely
control such a plane would be from a nearby plane that
would follow

i am just dying for your comments on this, as you can

have you seen the video?

I was told they had been
> contacted to be in a work detail in the WTC which
was being
> Ruppert Murdoch and Times warner had transferred
some schema from
ther office
> in Guangzhou to the US military for a test of the
ROTHR radar
system to be
> used on the Air traffic control system based in the
naval station
in Montauk
> NY. That magnetic ring in Montauk that controls the
ATC system
for the
> east coast has malfunctioned several times.
> The US needs the technology for the Missile defense
Shield. They
have to be
> able to control missiles to hit other missile.

a plan that seems to indicate that there are no plans
for arms



Check out Newsmax article 97F re remote control 4 >;)

Notice the symbol of CAAC is a star with the winged
sirius? just one of those weird coinkydinks

I have seen the video of the first and second planes
hitting the WTC. I sm still in shock that there was a
first video.... I understand Gamma Press who took the
first video is a kind of tabloid. It was involved with
the Diana?Hewitt loveletter scandal. I don;'t know if
Murdoch owns the tabloid but It would not surprise me.




> <A HREF="http://www.softwar.net/plaafaa.html";>Click
AIR FORCE TRAINED BY THE USAF</A> Notice the symbol of
> is a star with the winged sirius? just one of those
> I have seen the video of the first and second planes
hitting the
WTC. I sm
> still in shock that there was a first video.... I
understand Gamma
Press who
> took the first video is a kind of tabloid. It was
involved with the
> Diana?Hewitt loveletter scandal. I don;'t know if
Murdoch owns the
> but It would not surprise me.

ALEXANDER HAIG sits on the board of newsmax...caveat



In a message dated 6/20/2002 6:55:34 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

also...did you know that china bought nearly four
hundred million
dollars worth of those very 757's that hit the twin

did you also know that the US military recieved a
order for several remote control systems from Hughes
in August?

Notice the planes numbers add up to 11, 12, 13, 14
consecutively? Remember that the US said on 911 that
there may have been as many as 15 planes up there?
there probably were 15 planes in the experiment and
their flight designations added up to their number in
the sequence. That is how we would have done it. The
question is what happened to the other 11 planes? If
they were taking off in decending order then what
happened to 15? It would be interesting to run a check
to see if any other planes (domestic or international
carriers) were missing in that mess.

Raytheon is a major contractor for the ROTHR system.

ROTHR's main facility is the naval facility in Viequez
PR. It would be interesting to know if any of the
"terrorrist" pilots were ever in Puerto Rico or filed
a flight plan from Venice the PR.

did you know that one of the problem with ROTHR s that
if it gets too close to it's beacon, it can get sucked
in. The stronger the signal the lrger the danger

did you also know that if a ROTHR radar system
malfunctions and continues working in a confined area
that it can cause an EMP pulse? That is why those
crazy PR protesters as freaking out about the US tests
at Viequez They have had some weird fires and I think
it would behoove an investigative reporter to find out
what the people in PR think about the WTC blast.

In Terrorist read Iraqi Opposition pilots that were
removed from Iraq. I will explain this later if you
want. But I think it was a safe bet that pilots were
Iraqi and Atta was not a pilot so much as an
architect. He was an expert at reading blue prints I
understand..Saddam Hussein Airport has a unique radar
system and the blue prints for that Airport were
housed in the Alfred Murrah Building. Many of the
Iraqi Op pilots were relocated to Tinker AFB in
Oklahoma. Tinker runs many of the flight squadrons
over Iraq. The US seems to be pounding a lot of sand
in Iraq don't they? Looks like them crazy Rakis have a
workable missile shield.

As for Barbara Olson being on that plane. Well Well
Well.... CAAC is an affiliate of IMI Israeli Military
industries..And the US and China and Israel were all
working on a program you might be familiar with the
Phalcon Missile shield. This was a LONG term project
and required exchanges of information often covert.
One conduit for that informations was from Jonathan
Pollard to Larry Wu Ti Chin. After Pollard and Chin
were arrested in the US, both Israel and China changed
the access codes to their defense systems. US radar
could not access the experimental radar frequencies
Chin is dead but Pollard s still alive and his lead
attorney was Ted Olson. Could that be why Barbara
Olson was on a plane in washington talking to the ARMY
GBR facility in the Pentagon? I wanted to throw up
when Ted Olson was on te TV saying that Barbara could
make credit card calls to him with out a credit card
because she was a magical person. I figure she was
probably patched in from the cockpit to the corntrol
tower to Ted's office and Pollard was probably in an
isolation room hoping that he could remember enough
about the rade radio access frquencies to tell his
attorney to tell the pilot of the plane as the Radar
guidance system was malfunctioning. Just a thought but
the coincidences just keep piling up.

And if this is not enough coincidences I can provide
more.... just ask



Date: Fri Jun 21, 2002 9:11 am
Subject: re emp pulse and radar

I am going to have to check on this BUT a radar node
is underground and I
believe that if the ROTHR system was still operating
the radar may follow
the electrical switchiig system because it is in close
proximity. The actual
pulse may originate at the node and not the crash
site. i will have to check
with some people.


someone else joins the thread:


From: "Agent 99" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri Jun 21, 2002 4:07 pm
Subject: Re: [psy-op] Check out Newsmax article 97F
re remote control 4 >;)

now ain't that something. like alice in wonderland,
'curiouser & curiouser'. there is much more of a
connection between china, the us & the taliban. i
wrote an article about it last year... not
particularly well written as i was in a rush, but the
content is good. basically, i found that last
september there was a chinese delegation in afganistan
working a deal with the taliban for high tech
infrastructure development. the primary company
involved in this project is called huawei
technologies. huawei started out small and grew in
quantum leaps, in part due to venture capital
investments from major american corporations such as
lucent technologies and texas instruments who, btw,
were some of the largest contributors to the bush
campaign. another interesting piece of trivia is that
the chinese donated about 250 cell phones to the
taliban in the last quarter of 2001. cui bono?


(video sequence without commentary):

(wholehartedly endorsed and recommended)

Agent Fescado:

David Bosankoe
http://www.bosankoe.btinternet.co.uk Ultimate
smoking gun.
Bosankoe statement

Jarred Israel
www.tenc.net (mirror of emperors-cloths)

Gerard Holmgren
Ultimate Pentagon witness research.

French Sites (in English) and Thierry Meyssan
http://thewebfairy.com/whatzit/french.html Ultimate
911 frameup 

"The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked,
September 11th, 
A recent book by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
(Institute for Policy Research & Development,
Brighton, UK)



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