-Caveat Lector-

Answering several posts in one shot, quotes in << >>, no attribution,
you know what you said, if you can't remember, go to the archives.

<<the real sickening politically correct issue is the barring of the
girl speaking- which *is* immoral. but your comment above seems to
indicate that the whole week was "pc run amok".
is that right?>>


<<You got vouchers, and you can homeschool. I agree with you in
principle, but, good lord, surely there are options. Geedubya has made
it so.>>

No, I DON'T have vouchers. This is New Jersey. Only kids that live in
"failing districts" (read: predominantly black/Hispanic; race is still
an issue in this state, but that's a whole 'nuther thread) - mainly
Newark, Elizabeth, Linden, etc. can get vouchers, and then they still
have to get accepted into a private school (for them, homeschooling
probably isn't an option - it does take a considerable amount of parent
participation, and the parent should have basic literacy), and the
private schools have a bad case of tokenism in admissions, and have
gotten into trouble with the feds over this. Plus there isn't the space
- most of the slots in private schools are taken up by children of
public school teachers.

<<Aren't my taxes paid to school your children enough?>

I don't receive any benefits from any tax monies spent; I don't use the
public school system. How do I benefit from your tax dollars? I think
your - and everyone's school tax dollars should be refunded. If we
weren't wasting all that money on a system that isn't doing the job it
should be, everyone could afford a first-class education. And I am
willing to help other people's children learn: since we don't keep
traditional school hours, the neighbor's kids have come to visit while
we were doing lessons; we always invited them to join us; and they
ended up learning something too.

<<I pledge allegiance to no god, and to no flag, as governments are
inherently corrupt, and any government which purports to support a
religion is corrupted even further.

I leave symbols to the "symbol minded," to quote George Carlin.>>

Isn't it great that you live in a country where you have the freedom to
do so? :-D

<<How would this student feel about a student standing up and
criticizing Catholicism, the catholic agenda, and a religious

The oversensitivity to, and preoccupation with, feelings are part of
the PC problem, since both stifle debate. The fact that her voice was
silenced is the issue. There are ways to criticize without "hurting
feelings" - if manners were still in vogue, it would be second nature.

<<The schools are teaching a morality.  It may be politically correct,
but it is definitely not a healthy one.  It sponsors a diversity that
isn't really isn't diverse, but straightjackets thinking and then sends
it on its way.>>

And the PC police practice the same kind of intolerance they rail
against in traditionalists.

<<There are definitely not enough hours in the day to teach the
complexity of ALL belief systems in a neutral way, and ALL belief
systems teach that their way is right and others are wrong.  The
schools have chosen a belief system, call it Diversity, and expect the
students to follow it at least during the hours they are in school, all
with taxpayer dollars.

Exactly. And by using the few hours they do have for teaching about
diversity, it takes away from hours that could be better spent teaching
about reading, writing, spelling, math, history, geography, science,

<<It's a little like Animal Farm where all animals are equal but some
animals are more equal than others.  Diversity is taught as being
"more equal" than others.>>

Except that in Animal Farm, the animals were more polite than the PC

<<Teaching people not to hate others based solely on religion, race,
belief system, or who they like to **** [asterisks by Tenorlove] is not
promoting a homosexual agenda, it is diffusing violence and hatred.>>

Yes, but "diversity education" teaches people to hate based on religion
(Jewish/Christian), race (white), belief system (Judea-Christian
traditional), or who they like to **** (husband/wife).

<<Personally I think the girl should be allowed to speak. I also think
someone ought to be given "equal time" to talk about why religious
intolerance is evil, and to discuss the religious agenda in our
schools, and to discuss all the evil perpetrated in the name of the

Including intolerance against Jews and Christians, and the evil
perpetuated against the church and by non-Judeo-Christian religions
(e.g. enslavement of Christians in Muslim countries, the Taliban's war
on women, the desecration of temples in India by various sects, etc.).

<<Then student should organize into discussion groups and talk about
these viewpoints, and learn to think for themselves.>>

And then they should go home and discuss these viewpoints with their
parents. It might be the most meaningful talk some of these children
have with their parents.

<<Frankly - A religion based on the teachings of Jesus should be ALL
tolerance and acceptance.>>

That's why he overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple
on Palm Sunday & called the Pharisees and Sadducess vipers and

<<Once Jesus said eating pork was OK>>

Did he? Where? Contrary to the belief of certain Christian sects, Jesus
did NOT cancel the Jewish Scriptures (aka Old Testament); see Matthew
5:24. It was PAUL, formerly Saul of Tarsus, who decided to throw out
the OT in the hopes of converting pagan Gentiles who refused to convert
if they had to undergo circumcision.

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