-Caveat Lector-




Nick Redfern interviews David Clarke, co-author with Andy Roberts of the
newly released book: Out of the Shadows, published in the UK by Piatkus. The
book is as fascinating as it is controversial and deals with their findings
on the history of UFOs and the British Government.

1. First, Dave, can you relate what prompted you to write Out of the Shadows
and give a brief description of what the book is about?

The book was written in an attempt to go 'back to basics' with government
UFO research in the UK. There has been very little original research done in
that area so we decided to start with 1940 and work forwards, approaching
the subject as would a historian by only using contemporary accounts, both
official and media, and original interviews. The result is a fascinating
insight into what the UK government's real involvement with UFOs has been
and how that connects with the Cold War and beyond.

2. During the course of your research, what was the earliest evidence you
found demonstrating British Government interest in UFOs?

Well there was government interest in the wave of 'phantom airship'
sightings in 1909 and 1913, when Winston Churchill was questioned in
Parliament about a sighting over a dockyard in Kent, but these UFOs were
thought to be German Zeppelin airships involved in spying missions. The
earliest real interest comes from 1941, when radar stations on the south
coast of England picked up a wave of strange objects travelling across the
Channel from the direction of France. As a German invasion was expected,
Fighter Command assumed these were towed gliders and fighters were scrambled
to take a look. When they reached the scene there was nothing to be found.
This happened night after night for several months, and a secret
investigation was launched, at the height of WW2, involving Dr R.V. Jones
who was then head of Scientific Intelligence at the Air Ministry. We got
this story directly from a member of Sir Robert Watson-Watt's radar team who
was at Bawdsey in 1938. He provided us with two hefty files relating to the
investigation. We think this was earliest case of what would later be called
a radar UFO incident.

3. For years there have been rumours of Air Ministry investigations of Foo
Fighters during the Second World War. To what extent have you been able to
validate those rumours and what new material have you uncovered?

In the book we exclusively reveal there was a study of 'foo fighters' but it
was not under that name. WWII aerial phenomena was called 'the thing' or
'the light' by UK aircrews. The study consisted of numerous sighting
reports, including a UFO several hundred feet long seen in two different
locations. It concluded that as these things weren't causing any problems
they should be ignored. The book also includes direct testimony from
aircrew, gleaned from our personal study of the foo-fighter phenomenon
during the 1980s.

4. Your book contains information on the British role in the study of the
ghost-rocket phenomena of 1946. What conclusions did the Government reach
about this, and how deeply were the Secret Services involved?

British involvement in the ghost-rocket saga has never been seriously looked
at until we chanced upon several hitherto unseen files at the PRO. These
detail how much of the Air Ministry were convinced that the 'rockets' were a
real and genuine threat, so much so that two 'secret agents' from MI 10 were
despatched to Sweden to investigate. The conclusion reached by the
government, somewhat reluctantly, but based on evidence, was that the
phenomena had been some form of hysteria based on misperception of natural
objects. But the story of the internal politics of this and how the
conclusions were reached is fascinating.

5. We know the US military investigations of UFOs really began, on a large
scale, at least, following the Kenneth Arnold encounter of June 24, 1947.
How does that compare, time-wise, in the UK?

In the book we reveal that six months before Kenneth Arnold's sighting the
RAF were involved in an operation to intercept a UFO over the East Coast of
England. This was called 'Operation Charlie' and involved an object tracked
by radar over East Anglia, which travelled at speeds in excess of those that
the fastest planes could achieve. Mosquitoes were scrambled on several
occasions and one managed to lock onto the UFO with its airborne radar. The
phrase 'Flying Saucer' had not yet been coined so the RAF called this UFO a
'ghost plane'. We found a radar operator who was involved in the most
dramatic incident, and the pilot of the Mosquito who attempted to intercept
the UFO. We don't know what happened to the 'secret' report on the
operation, but information on the sightings was shared with the Americans.
Captain Ed Ruppelt wrote that the reports of the English 'ghost planes'
featured in the legendary 'Estimate of the Situation', which concluded that
flying saucers were extraterrestrial. The evidence we have found gives
credence to the claim that the Estimate was a real document, and not a myth.

6. What were the circumstances that led to your discovery of the DSI/JTIC
document and the existence of the Flying Saucer Working Party.

We discovered the existence of the Working Party as a result of a lot of
hard work over the period 1998-2000 in the Public Record Office. In 1999 we
found an obscure reference to a 'DSI/JTIC Report' produced by a working
party and that was like a red rag to a bull. Soon after that we found the
minutes of the Directorate of Scientific Intelligence from 1950-51 that
discuss the creation of the committee and the report it produced. From that
point onwards we piled pressure on the MoD for the release of the Report No
7. At first they claimed it did not exist, then they agreed to an archive
review that failed to locate the file. They said it was 'missing, presumed
destroyed.' Then early in 2001 we were told it had been found and we were
sent a copy many months in advance of its release at the PRO. We went public
with our findings in October 2001 and launched the flyingsaucery.com website
so the documents were available to UFO researchers in advance of our book.
It's a little amusing now to see other researchers claiming the credit for
the discovery of these documents, particularly as they pointedly fail to
give credit to those whose hard work brought them to light in the first
place. But we guess that imitation is a form of flattery!

7. Who would you say were the key figures in the British Government's UFO
studies of the 1950s and what have you found out about what they really

Our research focussed upon Henry Tizard and R.V. Jones as the key
personalities in terms of scientific intelligence involvement in early UFO
studies. Tizard played a major role in the development of radar. Jones'
involvement runs deep, from his role in the study of the 'foo fighters' and
ghost rockets before the age of the flying saucer, to his term as Director
of Scientific Intelligence in 1952-53, dates which coincided with the most
intense UFO flap of the Cold War. Jones was also a close friend of Dr 'Bob'
Robertson, the CIA scientist who convened the infamous Robertson Committee,
which debunked UFOs early in 1953. This illustrates the high-level exchanges
of UFO intelligence that were characteristic of other US-UK joint working
during the Cold War. At this stage, there was clearly as much of a
difference of opinion about the nature of UFOs within the MOD as there was
among the public. RV Jones remained ultra-sceptical throughout the UFO era
as a result of his experiences with the ghost rockets, whilst Tizard was
more open-minded. Lord Cherwell, Churchill's senior-scientist, and Robert
Cockburn, the Air Ministry's chief scientist, were equally as sceptical as
Jones was. So the battle between 'believers' and 'sceptics' has a very long

8. Who else (in terms of military/RAF/MOD people) did you interview for the
book and how did you manage to persuade them to speak to you?

We traced many high-ranking MOD personnel, aircrew and intelligence people
during the research for the book. These included members of the Deputy
Directorate of Intelligence, or D.D.I. (Tech), that became the Air Ministry
branch responsible for UFO investigations following the 1952 flap. Probably
the most important of all were the DDI (Tech) director at that time, Air
Commodore Peter Cribb, and the leader of the Flying Saucer Working Party,
Wing Commander Myles Formby. We also managed to track down members of DI 55
who inherited DDI (Tech)'s role from 1967 onwards. Virtually everyone we
contacted, with few exceptions, were willing to discuss the subject as long
as we did not stray into other areas that were covered by the OSA. To them
UFOs were a nuisance; a subject they were forced to look into as a result of
questions in Parliament and newspaper sensationalism. They were all
sceptical, but open-minded too, with the bottom line being that witness
testimony did not constitute proof in the absence of physical evidence. None
of them were aware of any 'secret' evidence confirming the existence of
'nuts and bolts' craft that had been concealed from the public. If we had
approached them as UFOlogists looking for evidence to confirm preconceived
ideas, we probably have been turned away. We tried a different approach,
that of professional historians, who simply wished to document an aspect of
Cold War history that had previously been ignored.

9. During the course of tracking down retired military people, Air Ministry
personnel, finding new files etc, did you come across any data or rumours
concerning UFO crashes in the UK?

There is one, completely new crash but no retrieval story in the book, which
comes from Northumbria. We don't want to reveal too much about it save to
say it involves a civilian witness, the Northumbrian police and the MoD!

10. The book contains some pretty amazing information about the existence of
a secret 'Gentleman's Club' of British aristocracy and Royalty who believed
in the reality of UFOs but who were very careful not to say so in public.
What can you tell us about this?

It's a little known fact that following WWII many members of the
aristocracy, royalty and politicians were extremely interested in flying
saucers. The most high profile of these was Lord Louis Mountbatten and we
tell the full story of his involvement in the book. There was also the
former RAF Air Marshal and Royal Equerry Sir Peter Horsley, who we
interviewed in 2000, the last time he spoke about this subject before his
death last year. He told us that, acting under orders from Prince Philip,
UFO witnesses were regularly taken to the Palace to speak with Horsley who
sent his reports to his employer. There were many others including Victor
Goddard and Hugh Dowding, all of whom helped promote the UFO subject in the

11. What do you make of Nick Pope's statements about the MOD and UFOs?

We've always been highly critical of Nick's statements. Unfortunately, for
someone in his position at the MoD he should know considerably more about
the subject than he has demonstrated. His books have betrayed a complete
lack of knowledge about the real UFO work undertaken within the government
and he has yet to introduce any genuinely new information about the MoD into
the UFO field.

12. Is the book largely historical or does it address latter day UFO
encounters and the official attitudes to, and studies of, those encounters?

The book begins in WW2 with the 'foo fighter' sightings and ends in the
1990s, so it roughly covers the UFO phenomenon in the context of the Cold
War. There is one chapter devoted to the Rendlesham Forest case. We were the
first researchers to obtain a copy of the MoD's complete file on the
incident early last year, and we launched a successful appeal which resulted
in the release of two of the five documents the MoD wanted to with held. The
book tells the story of the Rendlesham case based upon facts rather than
speculation, and we have gone to some lengths to give credit to all those
who have played a central role, both sceptics and believers.

13. Based on all your research, what are your conclusions about the role
played by the British Government and the military in the UFO subject since
the 1940s? And more importantly, what do you think their conclusions are?

It's obvious that the British Government have done a great deal of research
into UFOs but have to a large extent been embarrassed by their findings.
This is what we think lies behind any 'cover-up' which may or may not exist.
It seems obvious from the documentary evidence, they have found 'no defence
significance' in UFO encounters, yet on the other hand they are mystified by
many of them and unsure what to do with the 'evidence' they have gathered.
Our conclusions are that the subject remains baffling to them because it
represents a largely social phenomenon rather than a physical one.

14. Has there been a reaction from within the corridors of power to your
book? I wondered what the military or the MoD thought about it?

We've had a very positive response from the senior MoD and RAF people who
agreed to be interviewed about their sightings and their role in official
studies. We feel the book is the nearest there will ever be to an
authoritative history of the MoD's involvement in UFO investigation. We have
been involved in the filming of a TV documentary based on the book, to be
shown in June this year. During the production the MoD agreed to give us
access to Metropole Building in London, where DDI (Tech)'s UFO branch was
based during the 1950s. It was quite an experience to visit the infamous
Room 801!

15. To what extent (if at all) have your views on the UFO subject and on
official interest in the subject changed since researching and writing the

We were surprised just how interested the government have been over the
years and just how much new material we were able to uncover both from
official sources and in the interviews we conducted. One case in the book,
the RAF Little Rissington incident, has certainly given both of us cause to
think deeply about the origin of some of these aerial phenomena, although we
have seen nothing which suggest an extraterrestrial origin.

16. Are you working on any new projects right now?
As usual we are working on several projects at once. Obviously we are
pursuing the many leads we have into official involvement with UFOs but
besides that we are working on a book that looks at the cultural side of
UFOs. We don't want to say too much as our ideas are often eagerly picked
over by others! Andy and yourself have, of course, just signed a book deal
and are working on a book about the Berwyn Mountain UFO Crash, which will be
as interesting as it is controversial!

Previous Things Are Gonna Slide!
Time To Set the Record Straight
Mass Control Redux
Operation Mongoose
Air Crashes, Black Boxes, and Unsafety Boards

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