-Caveat Lector-



Bush a Scholar of the Absurd

Paul Vitello

July 30, 2002

In a high school auditorium, of all places, the president of the United States 
confirmed yesterday what some
people have always said about his college years - which is that he spent them avoiding 

This is one way, anyway, to interpret his comments on a welfare reform bill now under 
consideration in
Congress. The bill would let welfare recipients fulfill part of their work 
requirements by going to college.

Here's what George W. Bush said about that yesterday while addressing a $1,000-a-plate 
fund-raising crowd
gathered in a South Carolina high school gymnasium:

"In the way they're kind of writing it right now out of the Senate Finance Committee, 
some people could
spend their entire five years on welfare - there's a five-year work requirement - 
going to college. Now, that's
not my view of helping people become independent, and it's certainly not my view of 
understanding the
importance of work and helping people achieve the dignity necessary so they can live a 
free life, free from
government control."

That's what he said, and it is an interesting view of what college is all about. Never 
mind that it issues from
the lips of our education president.

A lot of Bush-bashers have already said this about him - that he didn't get much out 
of college; that he was a
privileged boy who got into Yale on his name and wasted his time there in rather 
undignified pursuits.

Describing college study as somehow antithetical to "helping people achieve ... 
dignity" would seem to confirm
the view that Bush spent too much of his own time there cheerleading, binge-drinking 
and asking the old man
for money.

It is a perfect irony that the reauthorization of the 1996 "Personal Responsibility 
and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act" comes up now, while public attention is focused on the frauds 
committed by corporate
cheats on Wall Street and in the accounting world.

For 20 years, the corporate culture that has increasingly dominated the national 
political agenda has stamped
"cheat" on every sense of the word "welfare," like a scarlet letter. The war on 
"welfare cheats" has fueled
the campaigns over the years of thousands of politicians, and many of those same 
politicians - not
coincidentally - have championed the deregulation of business.

Now, one of those politicians - the pro-business oil man, Enron friendly Bush - 
alludes to college-going welfare
recipients as cheaters, too. But who's really been cheating whom?

The Personal Responsibility Act, passed during the Clinton administration under the 
fuzzy rubric of "welfare
reform," was in effect a federal annulment of its own responsibility for the poor.

The act promised to help people for five years with federal grants to states. Then, it 
allowed the federal
government to wash its hands of responsibility for people exceeding the limit. (In New 
York and many other
states, beginning this year, that will shift the responsibility for helping poor 
people to state and local
taxpayers. In Suffolk County, for example, they expect to lose all federal support for 
about 1,000 caseloads
this year, according to a spokesman for the Department of Social Services.)

In exchange for its support, the federal law required states to put welfare recipients 
to work for 30 hours a
week. The original law permitted time spent in pursuit of education to count, up to a 
limited amount, toward
that 30 hours. The new legislation favored by the Democrat- controlled Senate would 
expand that amount,
while requiring 40 hours of work or school a week.

Does "school-fare" work?

Dennis Nowak, the Suffolk social services spokesman, said education for welfare 
recipients has been
successful. In fact, he said, the more of it the better.

"Our experience has been that it's better to let people enroll full time," he said, 
rather than limit the hours
they can apply toward their work requirements. The department screens those who would 
rather go to
school than take a workfare job as a clerk or a garbage collector - to make sure they 
are going to class and to
make sure they "don't languish" there.

In general, said Nowak, schooling offers better preparation than workfare jobs for 
people leaving the welfare

Seems logical, though it is not the president's view.

"There are so many exceptions, so many loopholes, so many ways out of holding people 
to high standards,"
Bush told an invited audience at Charleston's West Ashley High School, referring to 
the proposed welfare
reform bill that would allow people to attend college.

It is hard to fathom his thinking.

Or else, maybe he got his speeches mixed up. Maybe Bush was reading from the speech 
about his sieve-like
corporate "reform" bill, which truly does have so many loopholes, so many ways out of 
holding people to high
standards. Is that possible?

Maybe, though the one thing a man like Bush would have learned in college is to keep 
his crib sheets straight.

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--- Ernest Hemingway

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