-Caveat Lector-

at the author's request, the below is posted without reference to his/her identity

> As for PROMISE the program is full of hooks into NT.
> Many virus program
> exploit these hooks. The boys at MIT were supposed
> to patch the program and
> replace all US high level program while still giving
> out the backdoor
> friendly copies to other countries. They were never
> able to patch the
> software.

I need to make a correction on this.  MIT was to create a new version or program entirely that was to be able to read the old PROMIS programs and be compatible with it but PROMIS could not read it. IN the end they could only patch segments and because of the firmware, everytime they would patch a segment a new hole would open up, As far as I know MIT as never able to accomplish the task. The Chinese may have figured in here too. When the PROMIS software was given to them for the Golden Shield Program, they monitored the interfaces and watched for anyone coming in outside their internal web. I am not sure they are aware of the problems with the software itself. They may only be aware of the existence of certain backdoors.

see also http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/messagesearch?query=PROMIS

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