-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Andras Riedlmayer
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 9:55 PM
Subject: EU concerned over Romanian deal with US on immunity from ICC

Romania may have gained favor with Washington by signing an Article 98
agreement with the U.S., but it looks like the move has not gone over
well with the European Union, which Romania hopes to join.

Andras Riedlmayer


Associated Press
August 8, 2002 Thursday

EU concerned over Romanian deal with United States on immunity from
International Criminal Court

   BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- The European Union voiced concern Thursday
over a deal signed between Romania and the United States that would
grant U.S. citizens immunity from arrest in the Eastern European country
under warrants from the International Criminal Court.

   EU spokesman Michael Curtis told reporters the EU's executive arm,
the European Commission, was disappointed that Romania decided to
go it alone and sign a deal with Washington without first consulting
the 15-nation EU, which it has applied to join.

   "We regret this decision of Romania ... and we deplore that a
candidate country to the EU has not waited until the European Union
has established its position," Curtis said. Romania, which has
ratified the 1998 treaty to create the court, became the first country
to grant the United States an exemption when it signed the agreement
last week.  The deal will prevent its national authorities from
surrendering U.S. citizens to the international court.

   Romania is seeking to bolster relations with Washington ahead of
a NATO summit later this year, where it hopes to get an invitation to
join the military alliance.  U.S. backing is key for its bid to join
the 19-member alliance.

   Romania's government said the deal would not weaken the court.

   Curtis did not say however if Romania's action would damage its
bid to join the EU.

   EU foreign ministers are expected to make a decision in early
September on whether to allow EU members to seek similar bilateral
deals with Washington, Curtis said.

   Other EU countries, including the Netherlands, Britain and Italy,
have also been approached in recent weeks by U.S. officials seeking
to forge similar deals - but all will have to consult with their
EU counterparts before a decision can be made.

   Human rights groups have slammed the U.S. action, saying it
undermines the newly created court.

  The court, based in The Hague, the Netherlands, came into existence
on July 1.  The tribunal is empowered to prosecute individuals for
violations of international humanitarian law anywhere in the world.

   The court's jurisdiction allows it to prosecute war crimes, such as
genocide and crimes against humanity, committed after July 1.

   The United States has rejected the court's jurisdiction, fearing
Americans will become targets for politically motivated prosecutions.
It has passed legislation authorizing the president to take any
appropriate action to free Americans detained by the court. The law
also prohibits the participation of U.S. armed forces in peacekeeping
missions if they are not given immunity.

  The European Union has taken a strong stance against Washington
regarding the court, but after weeks of bitter wrangling at the
United Nations in July, the United States secured a yearlong exemption
from prosecution for its peacekeepers.

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