-Caveat Lector-

It is historical fact that Islam is a creation of the Vatican secret societies to be 
the seen enemy of "Christianity", aka Catholics.  That's right, the Hegelian 
Dialectic, hundreds of years before Hegel.  Purpose: to provoke war so that the 
Vatican can take control of  Jerusalem, which the Pope claims is the Capitol of the 

Also if you really want to see bigotry, go to the streets of Saudi, and proclaim 
yourself a Christian.

At 02:41 PM 8/9/02 , you wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>I saw a web poll (forgot the URL) where something like 98% of those
>polled (mostly fundamentalist Christians) said they believe Islam is a
>dangerous cult. Comments were made comparing them to the People's
>Temple (Jonestown), Process Church (Manson), Children of God (child
>sex) and Aum Shriyinko (sp?)(Tokyo subway gassing).
>The same fundies also accuse both Billy and Franklin Graham of being
>NWO stooges. I read Franklin's book "Living Beyond the Limits"
>(available free from his website, do a search for the name of his
>ministry, it was in Alamaine's post) and it reads like it was written
>by a New Age author such as James "Celestine Vision" Redfield. Ain't
>religion FUN??
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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