-Caveat Lector-

Thanks to G.W.BUSH, the COMMUNISTS in N. Korea are building Nuke Plants, six Nuke 
Plants total.
What a good CONSERVATIVE thing to do.
After all, N. Korea threatens to go to war with us, so they must love us.
BUSH loves us too.
BUSH is a TRAITOR, just like his ideological brother CLINTON.

Building begins on nuclear reactor

KUMHO, North Korea — Fireworks and traditional dancers yesterday accompanied the 
pouring by a U.S.-led consortium of the foundation of a nuclear reactor in North 
Korea, a milestone in efforts to keep the reclusive North from developing nuclear 
weapons. But in a stern note that leavened the celebratory atmosphere, the United 
States warned that work would stop if Pyongyang continued to resist international 
inspections of its nuclear capability. U.S. officials say they are committed to 
completing the building that would house the first of two light-water reactors by 
mid-2005, regardless of whether North Korea cooperates with the International Atomic 
Energy Agency (IAEA). But if the North has not allowed IAEA inspectors full access to 
its facilities at that point, the international consortium in charge of building the 
power plant will suspend all operations. The Bush administration's decision to go 
ahead with the $4.6 billion project is "hard evidence" that Washington intends to fulfi
ll its obligations under a 1994 agreement with North Korea, Jack Pritchard, the U.S. 
special envoy for negotiations with Pyongyang, said at the concrete-pouring ceremony. 
"[We] have kept our end of the bargain," he said of the accord under which the North 
agreed to freeze its suspected nuclear weapons program in exchange for the reactors. 
"It is now time for us to see that same kind of tangible progress" by North Korea "to 
cooperate with the IAEA and to come into compliance with the Non-Proliferation 
Treaty." In order to avoid any further delays in the project, which is already years 
behind schedule, Mr. Pritchard urged Pyongyang to begin cooperation with the IAEA now, 
so that the inspections — which would take at least three to four years — can finish 
soon after the first reactor building is completed. Under the 1994 accord, known as 
the Agreed Framework, North Korea must convince IAEA inspectors that it has no hidden 
plutonium, the primary fuel needed to make atomic bombs. The r
egime of Chairman Kim Jong-il so far has refused to do so, insisting that no 
inspections should take place until a "significant portion" of the project is 
completed. The international consortium, called the Korean Peninsula Energy 
Development Organization (KEDO), took a delegation of about 150 diplomats, business 
representatives and journalists to yesterday's ceremony here on North Korea's 
northeastern coast. The guests, who came by boat from the South Korean port of Sokcho, 
were greeted by girls in traditional North Korean costumes as they stepped off buses 
at the Kumho site. About 600 workers from the North, the South and Uzbekistan stood 
still in nearly perfect rows under an overcast sky, which exploded in fireworks after 
KEDO's executive director, Charles Kartman, and the U.S., Japanese, South Korean and 
European Union representatives shoveled the first spadefuls of concrete. All five 
officials said in their addresses that the ceremony's significance went far beyond 
marking a
new stage in the power plant's construction. Only ground-leveling and 
infrastructure-building had been done before yesterday, although the project was 
supposed to be completed by next year — a deadline that now has been pushed back to 
2008. "This ceremony is not only about pouring concrete," said the EU representative, 
J.P. Leng. "It is about peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula." Chang Sun-sup of 
South Korea told the workers that they "should be proud that it is your sweat and toil 
that will advance peace on the Korean Peninsula." The Agreed Framework was negotiated 
after North Korea suddenly withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993, raising 
tensions in the region and serious concern over its nuclear program. U.S. intelligence 
sources say Pyongyang still has enough plutonium to make at least one atomic bomb. 
Some critics of the decision to build the plant, both in the Bush administration and 
the nongovernmental community, say the decision to go ahead with constru
ction before the North cooperates with the IAEA simply has given it more time to hide 
any plutonium. Others argue that North Korea continues to play the inspections game 
because this is the only leverage it has left during forthcoming negotiations with the 
United States. Mr. Pritchard, the highest U.S. official to visit an "axis of evil" 
country since President Bush's State of the Union address in January, said that 
allowing inspectors in North Korea is a "separate issue" from any future talks between 
Washington and Pyongyang and that the two should not be linked. Secretary of State 
Colin L. Powell decided over the weekend to send Mr. Pritchard to the ceremony, ending 
a days-long battle between hawks and doves in the administration that had prevented 
the State Department from announcing the envoy's trip until the last moment. Those who 
objected to Mr. Pritchard's trip argued that it might be viewed as a resumption of 
dialogue with the reclusive state before such a decision had bee
n taken at the highest level. Mr. Pritchard is expected to accompany James Kelly, 
assistant secretary of state for Asia-Pacific affairs, on a visit to Pyongyang as 
early as next month. As senior director for East Asia at the National Security Council 
in the Clinton White House, Mr. Pritchard was part of a delegation to Pyongyang in 
2000 led by Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. Mr. Kartman negotiated 
repeatedly with the North Koreans while at Mrs. Albright's State Department before his 
current appointment at KEDO. Talks with North Korea stalled after Mr. Bush assumed 
office in January 2001, with the exception of a few visits by Mr. Pritchard to the 
North's mission to the United Nations in New York. The reporters who attended 
yesterday's ceremony had to abide by certain rules that were typical for the secretive 
North Korean society.
-end article-
Bush gives Nukes to Communists, but thinks Americans should have gun control, and he 
has tripled the size of the BATF to harass gunowners and retailers.
What a great Communist, I, uh, er, mean, Conservative!

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