-Caveat Lector-


(Reprinted from the "Newsletter Column," June 1998 issue of Acres U.S.A.,
the monthly journal of eco-agriculture, P.O. Box 8800, Metairie, LA 70119,
(504) 889-2100, fax (504) 889-2777, 1-800-355-5313. e-mail

". . . The existence of entire states comes to depend on a few private
destinies vastly magnified." So wrote Oswald Spengler in his classic and
awesome work, The Decline of the West. Athens, Rome, Carthage, the American
North and the American South, all bear marks of this Spenglerian comment, as
do the nations of our time. The people, "a beast of muddy brain," Campanello
wrote, "knows not its own force, and therefore stands loaded with wood and
stone . . . a mere child guides it with bit and rein . . ."

Except for a few brokers and simple-minded politicians, almost everyone has
some comprehension of the gathering storm. A world awash in debt and
economic slavery stands ready to cut the floor out from under the American
perpetual motion machine.

Thus the time has come for this Newsletter column to tunnel in under the
mundane, not as a miner, but as honest reporting a bit ahead of the fad, a
bit behind the events that have led to the upcoming perdition.

First Principles

It has been written in words like these that aquisition and merger bring an
aristocratic culture to the top of its form, whereas correspondingly
philosophers despise these goals. As a culture rises to its height, the two
primary urges defined above travel apart, and hostility develops between
them. Spengler thinks this trend really defines world history. Toynbee and
Pierrene would agree. From a feeling of power comes conquest
and politics and law. From spoils, piracy, and trade come economy and money.

Our syllogistic sandwich therefore concludes that law is the personal
property of the powerful. What they conclude should be the law is the law
for all. Money in turn is the unbeatable weapon of acquiring. With
money the powerful subdue the planet. It is forever the goal of the powerful
and monied classes to court and establish economies and governments that are
weak and subservient.

Free politics demands that economic life adapt itself to and within the
state. The war and trade nobility demands free flow of capital, even though
the outcome of this exercise always leads to decline and fall. Needless to
say, the trade nobility has seized control not only of the state, but also
the military as warned by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell

Those who follow cultural and historical cycles assure us that the
simple-minded have guided the nation to perdition, but not many can identify
or even recall the steps the body politic was hoodwinked into taking along
the way.

In our time the captains of industry have identified as their goal one vast
trading wall, forgetting that it was the differences of nations that created
trade in the first place.

Sir Francis Drake could anchor off the coast of Africa and barter for, say,
200 war captives. There was a differential advantage between Africa and the
West Indies, thus the slave trade was born.

The modern trade nobility can discern a differential advantage between China
and the United States, but it is no longer necessary to transport Chinese
slaves - indeed that would be counter-productive. The cheap cost producer
can stay at home, and the product can be transported. Even a child can see
that such a system must pull itself down in the fullness of time.

The trade nobility does not agree, for it now commands the government,
remakes the constitution with wired judges, solves its worst miscalculations
via a subsidized International Monetary Fund, and prays the sacred Dow will
not desert it now.

The Indicators Over the past several months and years, this Newsletter has
decoded the indicators that pretend to tell us just where we are on the
curve of history.  We do not know what or who will take the blame for the
unwinding of the U.S. Constitution and the decision to scrap our most sacred
tradition to
placate the greed of the merchant. Perhaps Clinton will become a Hoover.
Perhaps artful spin doctors will invent some exotic cause totally divorced
from the historical facts. For now it is enough to suggest signs and
symptoms, deferring an historical wrapup for later in this letter.

It is, of course, a wild proposition that all internal economies should be
made subservient to the wishes of money and trade lords hard on the hunt for
a differential advantage. The wild men are making the storied
man from Borneo look like a Boy Scout.

No one is in charge of this one world operation, even though Greenspan and a
few of Washington's flim-flam men pretend as much. One world is too big for
one man or even one group of men to keep a handle on.

In The End of Certainty, the writer - Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ilya
Prigogine - explains that advanced forms can evolve only by deviating ever
further from equilibrium. We can translate this to mean that the curve of
history, the grand cycle, if you will, must return when everyone becomes
convinced that a new millenium has been reached. At 63 times dividends on
industrial stocks, a vast majority has become
convinced that arithmetic no longer matters. The big question today is
whether economic winter will destroy the absconders, or whether disgust and
revolt will spend itself, leaving the same old forces in command of the

Cast of Characters

It was recorded in an earlier book, Unforgiven, that whenWoodrow Wilson, the
earliest of the one-worlders, first captured the U.S. presidency, it was not
possible at first to convince a clear majority of industrialists that they
should give up a stabilized economy in order to hunt the world over for
markets. Thus, it became necessary to break down the buying power of the
consumer's dollar, a feat easily handled by selling down futures in silver
on the London Exchange. For every penny an ounce that silver was lowered,
wheat in Kansas fell a penny a bushel.

The banking and trade elite concluded they had discovered the key to
eliminating that pesky provision in the U.S. Constitution that Congress
regulate the value of money. Then as now, the real value of the dollar
depended on the value of commodities produced in the economy. For this
reason, manipulation of commodity prices has led the way, with other
organized probes - Council on Foreign Relations, General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade, Committee for Economic Development and World Trade
Organization to follow.

A communication from Jose MacDonald of Wales last month illustrated the
subtlety of the trade nobility and how it stands ready to deprive nations of
their rights and heritage. "From 1973 to 1993, EEU communities were
implicated, destroying the power of the House of Commons, the United Kingdom
and jurisdiction of courts. Done with intent, secrecy and collaboration of
leading politicians and by businesses, the United States cooperated with
historical German and French plans for a Eurostate and formulated it. It was
set up by undemocratic means."

This sudden awareness shocked Brits because they had believed the United
Kingdom to be a democracy, that the will of the people to forgo genetically
engineered foods would be respected, and that their customs and laws
exempted them from being given the in/out basket treatment by a bunch of
high-level carpetbaggers.

The Bilderbergers might be a household word for some, but the fact is that
only a small percent of the people worldwide know how their rights and
freedom are being compromised by an elite group with alien ideas and a
blueprint for international chaos.

Although the idea of conquering the world is of ancient vintage - Alexander,
for instance - it remained for Stalin, then Hitler, to mumble about a new
world order. The idea had been incubating in the United
States ever since someone caused a bullet to crash into the chest of William
McKinley.  By the time Hitler and Stalin laid an egg as far as international
consolidation was concerned, American and European counterparts were well
into their planning sessions.

The objective was to control the planet, every acre, every spit of land,
every waterway, every resource, and all the people under the umbrella of
international bankers and business. All the clubs of Rome, all the
Bilderbergers, the Tri-lateralists, the U.N. itself, all have proceeded
without more than a perceptible nod to the peoples involved. The
Bilderbergers are a secret group functioning as a think tank and spearhead
for the one-world trade concept. Its main objective has been to bring on a
single federalized state for Europe regardless of cultures, diversities and
labor disparities involved. Such a world would allow traders to write their
own rules and suborn all attempts at equity that a decent respect for
mankind requires.

The Bilderberger group was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, a Nazi who somehow managed to marry into the Dutch royal
family. Bernhard was an SS officer attached to I.G. Farben, the same I.G.
Farben that fed Jewish prisoners totally synthetic meals to determine
whether such fare could sustain an army. All of the prisoners died.
Bernhard, however, had moved on to distinguish himself by a $1 million bribe
from the Lockheed Corporation. This murky tie to international gangsterism
was confirmed by the London Times when a zoologist named Tom Ravendale was
killed. A former PR man with the World Wildlife Trust, he was run over by a
car and his briefcase was stolen. He was carrying tapes and documents for a
Dutch commission.

The Bilderberger cast of characters is of maximum interest. It includes
socialists, politicos, journalists, even a few misguided royalists. Former
U.S. Ambassador George McGee, stated that "The Treaty of Rome that brought
the European Community into being was nurtured at a Bilderberger meeting."
Clearly, available documents reveal that it has always been the goal of the
group to evolve an international order - a new world order, in short.

Paul Warburg, a director of I.G. Farben America, was a fanatical proponent
of world government. Accordingly, he founded the U.S.-based Council on
Foreign Relations. Roosevelt didn't trust the group, but when he died Truman
not only allowed them into government, he literally handed the government to
CFR members on a silver platter. They have been in charge ever since.

In 1948, Truman set up the pilot organization that ultimately would see to
the fast track passage of GATT, NAFTA, and now lead to the uninhibited
transfer of money with nations involved having little or no say-so over
trade, environment, even relief measures.

Almost all Bilderbergers are members of CFR. William Manchester, in his
matchless books on the Krupps and other absconders, related how Standard Oil
and I.G. Farben settled accounts for patent royalties on the bases of
soldiers killed during WWII.

This business of playing off one part of the world against another - with
war or trade - with taxpayers paying for the advantages thus manufactured,
has been a driving force behind so-called world government. Indeed, Paul
Warburg's son James told a U.S. Senate Committee, "We shall have world
government whether we like it or not."

In August 1944 there was a meeting between the German SS and representatives
of seven German companies, including Krupps, Roehling, Messerschmeidt and
Volkswagen. At this meeting plans were made to build up wealth, power and
industrial capacity abroad so that a strong German empire could be created
after the war. Some $500 billion were transferred out of the country before
war's end. A prime objective was to set up liason's with foreign companies,
and the SS made reference to the patent agreements, now collectable.

Some 134 of Von Ribbentrop staffers quietly transferred to the civil service
under Adenhauer. Heinz Twetschler von Falkenstein, secretary of Hitler's
Europe Committee, was named by Adenauer in 1949 as Europe Division of West
Germany's Foreign Office, a federated Europe being the objective and a chess
piece in the drive to divest people everywhere of their right to govern,
this choice to be taken off their hands by professionals.

At this late date we are required to recall that Ford and Rockefeller had
directors on the board of U.S.-Farben, which used funding to promote Nazi
propaganda, and had three of its directors found guilty at Nuremburg.

We are also required to recall that the corporate institution set up the
Council on Foreign Relations in the London-based Royal Institute of
International Affairs. The intent to impose limitations on sovereignty was
furbished and refurbished by Arnold Toynbee, the historian.

After Word War II, a Pole named Joseph Retinger, a proponent of the world
state, set up the European arm of the movement with CIA funding and with the
cooperation of Prince Bernhard.

A model for the grand scheme was Unilever, the oleo-margarine (fats and
oils) giant that ducked out of World War II by moving to South Africa (see
Unforgiven, by Charles Walters).


Overlooked by all the think tanks were the foundation economic principles
involved. One and all, they forgot that the act of production has to create
the credits for consumption of the production in the
aggregate. That is why trade can never be the balancewheel and the flywheel
for a world economy. Disparities make one world and free world trade a wild
card that mows down first one nation, then another, finally the entire
apparatus tied to this unsavory principle.

The head of Unilever in the 1930s was a friend of Hermann Goering and the SS
chief, Himmler. After the war he became a director of Dresdner Bank of the
Daimler-Benz operation; the Deutsches Bundesbank, and the International
Monetary Fund in Washington.

Dr. Geringer of Austrian Branch Unilever was legal adviser with Lord
Runceman's negotiations with the Nazis in 1939. We can trail these
international criminals and chart their cynical moves, and marvel at the
mendacities and duplicity such tracking exposes. Their contempt for
constitutional government and their willingness to demolish human freedoms
makes pale into insignificance cruder pogroms of yesteryear in
which ethnic groups were extinguished for what was perceived as the greater

Edward Heath signed away the rights of Englishmen in 1972; Truman and his
successors did the same for the 200 year old U.S. Constitution. What happens
next? We can only turn to history and to the 500-year cycles described by
Oswald Spengler. It is not possible for a world to profit by trade in the
aggregate. Only component parts can profit, always at another's expense.
Data reported in The Wall Street Journal and in financial newsletters
confirm this, even though not one pretends to see the long term fallacy of
the scenario now afloat.

For Now

The World Trade Organization is now adopting dictatorial measures that could
make Hitler wretched with envy. As an opener, world farm prices are
scheduled to decline. The EEU is scheduled to import meat and grain from the
United States with no regard to transgenic contamination of grains or
organophosphate-generated prions in meat. Dairy products loaded with
hormones are scheduled to enjoy free entry even though Brits do not aspire
to raise a nation of giants. Democratic principles have no place under WTO.
Nor does food safety or any protection from the ravages of import invasion.
Codex Alementarius is enough to frighten the most fiendish and infernal.

The forces described here take credit for a Dow that must surely reach 9,290
or higher, plus or minus about 100 points. There will be a break, and that
break will be a consequence of the megalomania exhibited since the Wilson
administration. No one can fix the moment in time the way a speculator would
like, but we can be certain that those who have failed to position
themselves correctly will suffer greviously. Bluntly stated, we can expect a
Dow decline to the support line some 45 percent downtrack. This likely will
be followed by an explosive upsurge retracing most of the loss.

All this will be history's cycles telling us that what is mathematically
impossible is mathematically impossible, regardless of what the spin doctors
say, regardless of the bleatings of the international merchant.    - Charles

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