-Caveat Lector-


The Unconventional Warrior, by LTC ‘Dangerous’ Dan Marvin

© 2002 Daniel Marvin

Part Three - Orders to Kill

 August 16, 2002

I was behind my desk at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, when we received word
that President Kennedy had been shot. Yuma was where we busied ourselves
testing parachutes and airdrop equipment of US and foreign origin. The news
of his assassination hit us, as it did the entire nation, like a shock-wave
and got me thinking about the Army’s Special Forces, remembering what they
had meant to JFK.

The very next day I volunteered for Counterinsurgency and Guerrilla Warfare
training. By mid-January of 1964 I was a student at the Special Warfare
Center in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and on my way to earning the right to
wear the Green Beret. I recalled how the Commander-in-Chief had described
that special headgear as “the symbol of excellence, the mark of distinction,
the badge of courage” and I wanted, more than anything, to be a part of that
elite group of unconventional warriors he had admired.

The training was accomplished by highly motivated instructors, all of whom,
with exception of the few CIA “advisors,” had seen at least one year of
combat as a Green Beret. CIA personnel were involved in instruction related
to terrorism and assassination techniques, to the extent of going into detail
on how the JFK “hit” was perpetrated, including film footage and photographs
taken in Dealey Plaza that fateful day. This Top Secret instruction was given
on “Smoke Bomb Hill” in an old cantonment area at Fort Bragg. One
classroom-type wooden building with raised stage, surrounded by barbed-wire
topped fences and patrolled by MPs or guard dogs, was the training facility
used for such highly classified subjects.

I shared a “gut feeling” with a few others in my class that our CIA
instructors had first-hand knowledge of what happened in Dallas. A sobering
thought, particularly so in view of my motives for joining Special Forces.
During a coffee break one day, an instructor casually remarked on the
“success of the conspiracy in Dallas,” tending to confirm my suspicions that
the President’s murder was conceived, executed and covered up by high-level
echelons within our government. I attempted to rationalize this by believing
there had to have been compelling reasons, with no malicious intent as such
on the part of loyal Americans who deemed it necessary, at significant risk
to themselves, to wrest the White House from one considered ill-equipped to
lead our nation in those troubled times.

Experience gained during the next 18 months left no doubt in my mind that
certain agencies within our government had engineered and executed the
conspiracy that left President Kennedy dead, a victim of evil factions within
our government. The face-to-face verbal acknowledgment to me by the Don of a
Boston area Mafia family that he had refused a “Company” (CIA) request for
use of his people in the “hit” on JFK will be covered in detail in Part 7: An
Offer From the Don. This fact, coupled with similar information that fellow
Green Beret Captain John McCarthy told me of a failed CIA/Miami Mafia “Hit”
on JFK in Florida during the President’s visit there prior to his fatal trip
to Dallas, confirmed the conspiracy in my mind.

As I sat riveted to my TV set in November 1993, viewing a lengthy 30th
anniversary documentary on the assassination in Dallas, I was hit between the
eyes with a fact that shook me to the core, took me back in time to August,
1965 and reinforced my belief in the reality of CIA directed political
assassinations. At the documentary’s conclusion I was stunned to see the name
of William Bruce Pitzer flash across the screen in a list of violent deaths
putatively linked to the cover-up of a conspiracy to kill JFK.

It was early in August, 1965 that I was asked by the CIA to kill US Navy
Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer.

Next week: Smoking Gun — The Pitzer File
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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