-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Forced Out? Study Indicates Many Teen Runaways Were Already Abused at Home By
Dean Schabner 7/11/02 - "Teenage runaways face the risk of physical and
sexual abuse when they take to the streets, but a new study says that what
many of them endured at home may have been worse....74.2 percent said they
had been hit with an object, 76.9 percent said they had been slapped, 84.2
percent said they had been pushed or grabbed in anger, 71.0 percent said they
had things thrown at them in anger and 72.3 percent said they had been
spanked. The levels of more serious forms of abuse were also high — 22.4
percent said they had been threatened either verbally or physically with a
weapon, 43.4 percent said they had been beaten with fists, 7.5 percent said
they had been wounded with a gun or knife, 19.5 percent said they had been
asked to do something sexual and 22.3 percent said they had been forced to
engage in a sex act.

Strange bedfellows - Judith Reisman and Dennis Jarrard 8/21/02 "...Catholic
bishops are getting their "expert" advice on pedophilia from people who have
covered up or even defended sex between men and children. The bishops
recently chose Dr. Paul McHugh, former chairman of the Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at John Hopkins University School of
Medicine, as chief behavioral scientist for their new clergy sex crimes
review board. Yet Dr. McHugh once said Johns Hopkins' Sexual Disorders
Clinic, which treats molesters, was justified in concealing multiple
incidents of child rape and fondling to police, despite a state law requiring
staffers to report them....He agreed with his subordinate, clinic head Fred
Berlin, who broke the then-new child sexual abuse law on the grounds that it
might keep child molesters from seeking treatment. Dr. Berlin admitted he had
covered for the sex criminals, angering legislators, child-advocacy groups
and state officials.....Dr. Berlin also considers Sexual Disorders Clinic
founder John Money, who openly defends pedophilia, to be one of his most
important mentors. Dr. Money once gave an interview to PAIDIKA - the Journal
of Paedophilia, an "academic" publication that advocates adult sex with
children alongside ads for the North American Man-Boy Love Association
(NAMBLA) and other pro-pedophilia groups. He told PAIDIKA that a
"relationship" that is "totally mutual" between a boy of 10 or 11 and an
adult male "would not [be] pathological in any way." Dr. Money is also
notorious for leading the medical team that surgically mutilated a young boy
in a disastrous attempt to turn him into a "girl"

Recovered Memories: True or False? Contact Information:  The Leadership
Council:  610-664-5007 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/15/02 - Children
and adolescents abused by trusted caregivers and authority figures cope by
using a variety of psychological mechanisms. A common means of dealing with
the horror of such abuse is to try and push it out of awareness – especially
when secrecy is demanded by the adult and the incident elicits fear and shame
in the child.

Did George W. Bush Evade Income Taxes on His Harken Loans?
Bob Fertik Democrats.com exclusive August 16, 2002
George W. Bush's questionable activities and profits during his years as a
director of Harken Energy Corp. (1986-1993) have come under a fair amount of
scrutiny from the media. Mr. Bush has thus far avoided responsibility for
those activities, thanks to a compromised investigation by the SEC during his
father's presidency, as well as Mr. Bush's stubborn refusal to provide
details of those deals.

as always, please check any resource out thoroughly before using it.
"No War on Iraq" The Bush White House is aggressively promoting war on Iraq,
without strong support from Congress, the American public, or our allies.  We
believe:  "Without hard evidence that Iraq poses a clear and present danger
to the U.S., Congress must act to prevent a war on Iraq."
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