-Caveat Lector- -------Original Message-------
From: OBRL-News
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Forwarded News Item
Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
Sub-Critical Nuclear Expeirment to Occur on Thursday, 29 August 2002.
Past sub-critical nuclear tests appear to have been followed, within a
week, by highly expansive high-pressure heat-wave conditions in the Western
states at least.  The two prior sub-critical tests undertaken in 2002, in
mid-February and mid-June, were followed by a general drying-up of snows
and rains across the West, with anomalously high temperatures.  The
following press release comes from the Nevada Test Site public relations
Recipients of this email are asked to watch for unusual atmospheric or
biological events on or soon after this Thursday, and kindly report them
back to OBRL for documentation.
National Nuclear Security Administration Scientists to Conduct Mario
Subcritical Experiment
Scientific Data to Help Certify and Ensure the Safety and Reliability Of
the Nation's Stockpile
The National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Operations Office will
conduct a subcritical experiment called Mario at the Nevada Test Site on
Thursday, August 29, 2002. Subcritical experiments examine the behavior of
plutonium as it is strongly shocked by forces produced by chemical high
explosives. Subcritical experiments produce essential scientific data and
technical information used to help maintain the safety and reliability of
the nuclear weapons stockpile. The experiments are subcritical; that is, no
critical mass is formed and no self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction can
occur, thus there is no nuclear explosion. Mario, a Los Alamos National
Laboratory (LANL) subcritical experiment, is designed to answer questions
about ejecta and spall associated with plutonium. Ejecta is a forceful
spray of particles propelled from a material's surface when it is
compressed by a powerful shock wave. Spall is the breakup of material from
the explosive shock wave reflected back from the surface. Subcritical
experiments are conducted at the Nevada Test Site's U1a Complex located 85
miles northwest of Las Vegas. The U1a Complex is designed to contain these
experiments in a safe and secure environment in an underground laboratory
of horizontal tunnels with small excavated experiment alcoves mined at the
base of a vertical shaft, approximately 960 feet beneath the surface. Los
Alamos scientists conducted their last subcritical experiment, Vito, on
February 14, 2002. The last subcritical experiment was Oboe 9 conducted on
June 7, 2002.
Nevada Operations Office News
OBRL News is a product of the non-profit
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Research and Educational Center
PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
Building upon the discoveries
of the internationally acclaimed natural scientist,
Dr. Wilhelm Reich


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