-Caveat Lector- http://www.stratiawire.com/



AUGUST 28. As I’ve written, there are eight major cartels that run the world.


Are these cartels static? Are they carved in stone?

No. They are evolving organic entities.

They were born, one might say, because certain very heavy hitters realized that, if power over these areas could be coalesced, and if these eight groups then cooperated, the planet would be theirs.

This was not an overnight realization.

What gave this realization drive was another insight: Eight cartels operating behind the scenes could be protected by continuing to forward the fiction that separate and powerful and conflicting nations are the most powerful groups in the world.

In other words, there was a perfect cover story.

Most people in the world do, in fact, believe that nations are supreme controllers of whatever power there is to control.

This is not true.

What we are seeing is the evolution from nation-states into cartels of power. Each cartel is on the road to becoming a vertically integrated, free-standing empire, to which nations must bow down.

This road is long, but it IS being traveled.

Directly above these nation-states are groups like the IMF, the World Bank, the US Federal Reserve, the World Trade Organization, the CIA, and so on. These groups are AGENTS whose purpose is the control of the above-mentioned eight areas of human life.

But who are they agents for?

For still-more secretive and powerful groups, like the Vatican and the British Roundtable.

At this time, the Masons can be considered to be yet another front for the Vatican, even though Masonic doctrine seems to be opposed to the Roman Church. Most Masons, of course, are not aware that they ultimately serve “higher masters,” but the Masons were created, to a large degree, out of the Knights Templar, a Vatican militant and banking organization.

The Masons have also contained true and brilliant people who advocate individual freedom, so Masonry is definitely a mixed bag.

One might say the Masons were created by the Vatican to assume a secret leadership role, on behalf of the Church, over the breakaway Protestants.

Whereas the Jesuits were created by the Vatican to lead the Catholic world.

However, in truth, the Jesuits are tasked with the job of taking over as much of the world as they can, on behalf of an eventual and ultimate global theocracy based in Rome.

If you grasp this overall map of power, you will see how foolish and deceptive the news is. The news which we are fed on a daily basis. You will also see how far down the ladder of power the daily “feast” of news stories leaves the hypnotized reader.

And with this map, you can begin to decipher where certain news stories really lead.

What of the fabled Illuminati? This is the name most often applied to a group created in 1776, in Europe, by one Adam Weishaupt, a former expelled Jesuit student. Tupper Saussy points out that the Illuminati was soon exposed as a rather vicious secret society. This exposure was carried out in order to convince the public that all such secret societies were being dismantled—when, in fact, the Jesuits were firmly composed in their secret settings, out of prominent view, so far as their most daring plots were concerned. The Illuminati was a set up, a dupe, an Oswald put in place to take a fall and divert the public from the fact that the concealed Jesuit hand was still very much in the game.

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