-Caveat Lector-

The Unconventional Warrior
by LTC Daniel Marvin, USASF (ret)

© 2002 Daniel Marvin

Part Five: Green Berets — The Nitty & Gritty

September 9, 2002

There is little doubt in the minds of most Americans, even those who know
only what they have gleaned from the papers or seen on TV telling of the
training or exploits of the US Army's Special Forces, the men who wear the
Green Beret, that they are the most highly trained unconventional warriors

Special Forces teams are commonly asked to do what convention would consider
impossible, even insane. Missions might include forays into perilous
situations never before explored; much less taken on full force, knowing
these uniquely trained, fearless and highly motivated fighters would somehow
get the job done. They would emerge victorious even when outnumbered,
outgunned and on their own, with little or no outside combat support.

"Nitty Gritty" as defined in Webster's New World Dictionary of the English
Language © 1974, means "the actual, basic facts, elements, issues, etc."

In this part, I will discuss some of what falls within that definition. The
reader should understand that what is basic to a Special Forces officer,
Warrant Officer or Noncommissioned officer would boggle the mind of a
conventional military man and rightfully so. The man you see wearing the
Green Beret is already a three time volunteer, first to join the US Army,
second to earn the parachute badge and third to participate in a training
program that rejects more than it graduates before he can be assigned to a
Special Forces unit as a fully qualified Green Beret. Most will then
volunteer many times during their careers in this elite organization of
"can-do" warriors so as to be a part of an operation that is inherently
dangerous as is especially true in an independent operation. My book
Expendable Elite is about such a mission, revealing the fact that the
greatest threat to their very existence may come from those who sent them,
should they be declared necessarily expendable.

When a nation has available to it Special Operations Force volunteers
eminently qualified to move quickly to any trouble spot in the world and
engage in unconventional warfare (whether it be direct involvement in active
combat and its many collateral missions of civic action, psychological
warfare and possibly military government operations, deployed as a
counter-terrorist unit or dispatched on special missions involving the
training of indigenous forces) that nation will be called on to help those
less fortunate countries who find themselves in a highly explosive and
Inextricable immediate defensive need or a long term Incipient Insurgency

You will be introduced to certain aspects of Special Forces training and
involvement later in this series. In Part 6 — Blow the ASWAN High Dam I will
explore special demolitions and discuss the contingency mission on the books
in 1964 that called for the insertion of my all-volunteer team of eight Green
Berets carrying a man portable atomic demolition device we would employ to
destroy critical power transmission facilities at the ASWAN High Dam then
under construction in Egypt. Should you be skeptical that such a device
exists, consult Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Publication 1 dated 1 September
1964 which contains the unclassified definition of the SADM (Special Atomic
Demolition Munition) devices. At that time I was told they were stored at
Seneca Army Depot in upstate New York.

Special testing of unconventional warfare items at Natick Laboratories near
Boston, Massachusetts, coupled with what I thought to be some interesting
dialogue between a Mafia Don, myself and an SF Master Sergeant, during which
an unusual job was offered, are discussed in Part 7 — An Offer from the Don.
My book Expendable Elite will give you an appreciation for and whet your
appetite for greater exposure to the extremely important role that a team of
Green Berets plays in a counterinsurgency situation that has to do with the
vital nature of civic action.

Part 9 — Civic Action: The Building of Loyalty will acquaint you with the
who, what, when, where, why and how of that area of consuming interest and
you will understand why 60% of the efforts of my SF team went into the Civic
Action program with the goal of "Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People"
being a primary activity.

You will get a glimpse of what takes place in the war of words and deeds in
Part 10, Psychological Warfare Operations and be exposed to the extremely
wide-ranging and technically demanding activities involved in a Special
Forces' medic's duty performance in Part 13, The Dog Lab at Fort Bragg. It
will also make you proud of what the Green Beret Medics have accomplished and
what they went through physically, mentally and emotionally to earn their MOS.

One serious but little reported aspect of command and control involved in the
employment of Special Forces, particularly those teams dispatched as an
"independent" operation, is the lack of continuing jurisdiction and the
adverse effect the abuse of power can have on mission, men and people they
were sent to help and our nation's credibility. In my book Expendable Elite
You will learn of a few instances that will not only leave an indelible mark
in your psyche, but hopefully will inspire you to help in any way you can to
let our government know that we must act honorably and establish those
controls, namely the checks and balances needed to assure that is the case.

To me the lack of spiritual direction and adherence to the Christian
principles this nation was founded on is our real Achilles Heel. If we do not
pull ourselves together as a nation and again inculcate Christian values in
the home, the schools, the workplace, courts and in government, we will
someday live under Communist rule.

When I first joined the Army as a raw recruit, along with my first military
clothing, boots, towels and dog tags I was issued a pocket-sized New
Testament with an olive drab cover at Fort Devens, Massachusetts in June
1952. Our American Army was a God-fearing Army in those days and we soon
learned from the "old-timers" that if God had not been for us and against
Emperor Hirohito and Adolf Hitler we would have lost the war, just knowing
the odds against us, as worldly numbers reflected at the time. I was sure
happy to be a part of that God fearing Army and knew in my heart that we
could defeat any adversary who went against our nation and our God.

I am pleased to share with the readers what was printed on the back cover of
my Army-issue Special Forces Handbook, the one I carried with me to South
Vietnam in December 1965. Published by the Commandant of the Special Warfare
School on 1 January 1965, it stated boldly on the cover page:
"The material contained herein reflects doctrine as currently taught at the
Special Warfare School and is derived from material intended for school use,
prepared for resident instruction at the Special Warfare School."
That doctrinal handbook included this prayer:
Almighty GOD, who art the Author of Liberty and the Champion of the
oppressed, hear our prayer:
We, the men of Special Forces, acknowledge our dependence upon Thee in the
preservation of human freedom.
Go with us as we seek to defend the defenseless and to free the enslaved.
May we ever remember that our nation, whose motto is "In God we Trust",
expects that we shall acquit ourselves with honor, that we may never bring
shame upon our faith, our families, or our fellow men.
Grant us wisdom from Thy mind, courage from Thine heart, strength from Thine
arm, and protection from Thine Hand. It is for Thee that we do battle, and to
Thee belongs this victor's crown.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and glory forever, AMEN.

I was honored to command Special Forces Detachment A-424 from the end of
December 1965 through the first of August 1966. Team members who served with
me in An Phu during that period of time exemplified the very finest in
Special Forces, each one embodying the principles of that Special Forces
Prayer in the conduct of their day-to-day functions, whether it be combat,
civic action, psychological warfare or helping to build stronger ties between
the Hoa Hao people and the Central Government in Saigon. I can say, without
compunction that we who were Special Forces Team A-424 never misused or
wrought harm to the people who trusted us to be their friends and fellow
defenders of freedom. We were there to assist them in maintaining what was
important to them as a people and we never abused the power that was ours to
use for good or bad, staying the straight and narrow course of a just
direction in all that we did. Living the words of that prayer and using them
as our mental road map to success made it possible for us to be continually
victorious in the many battles we fought against a vastly superior enemy
force in both numbers and weapons. Perhaps even more spectacular as a vivid
frame of reference is what our sticking by what we know to be right allowed
us to remain loyal and steadfast to our Hoa Hao fighters and families and to
survive the wrath of the CIA when (as told in Expendable Elite), they
dispatched an ARVN Regiment to attack our camp in June 1966, wanting to
destroy us in retribution for what I did to unilaterally abort their plan to
assassinate the Crown Prince of Cambodia.
The Propensity to Abuse Power

Forthcoming articles in The Unconventional Warrior Series and books in
progress will inform and alert the reader from what I personally experienced
or was made acutely aware of by sources I considered honorable and credible,
the danger that is inherent within any military or civilian organization or
political entity when the individual in command possesses independent and
unbridled authority.

Understanding the need for higher level scrutiny in any such instance, I
wrote President George Bush on 25 September 2001, just two weeks following
the Trade Center disaster, to offer him insight based on my experiences. In
that letter I stated my case strongly, telling President Bush, "Why I write
you is that, having served as a Special Forces officer in Vietnam, Thailand,
CONUS and as part of worldwide contingency plans, I have experienced some of
what we would otherwise call terrorist tactics under the Flag of the U.S.A. I
believe that we as a nation, even as we condemn the terrorists and move
forward with all available assets, particularly the Special Forces, to find
and punish the enemy we must take immediate and aggressive action internally
to cease and desist from similar type activities we have in the past and may
otherwise -in the future engage in that are outside the scope of lawful
execution of orders inherent in a declared war. We must also establish those
absolute controls needed to insure that our nation's response to terrorist
attacks or other acts of war against this nation is legitimate and measured
to preclude the abuse of the power that too often is fostered in a climate of
conflict among those in positions of power who control the many weapons of
mass destruction."' I went on to delineate specific examples of actual or
attempted abuses of power.

Though the "meat" of what I had written to him and what I had referred him to
had been previously used as part of what I had submitted to his father, then
President George H.W. Bush, to convince him of the need to demand an
investigation that would (and did successfully) clear former ARVN Lieutenant
General Quang Van Dang of allegations and heinous innuendoes that had been
perpetrated by the CIA against Dang in retribution of my unilateral aborting
of the Sihanouk assassination plot, the current President Bush did not
respond specifically to this author.

There is much more to bring to your attention but it will have to wait for
the moment. Keep watching!

Next Week
Part Six: Blow the Aswan High Dam

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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