-Caveat Lector-

If Cuba was indeed responsible for the current outbreak of West Nile Virus in the U.S., one would expect the first cases to have occured in south Florida, or perhaps another Gulf state, instead of in the NYC metro area...


If either Iraq or Cuba is responsible for the current WNV outbreak, then that suggests that we have little to worry about if the worst either country can muster against us is a disease that primarily kills birds, and has been only responsible for the deaths of humans who were elderly and/or infirm; in other words, it's a very inefficient weapon, as it only gives flu-like symptoms to healthy adults who readily recover...


For at least a decade before the WNV outbreak there has been a growing epidemic of Eastern Equine Encephelitis in eastern Long Island and Connecticut, southeastern Massachusetts, and all of Rhode Island; it not only affects the equine population, but increasingly has been infecting previously healthy adults in their prime, and indeed has caused a few deaths...


And then comes WNV, another form of encephalitis, mysteriously arising in NYC, western CT, and northern NJ...


I would suggest that Plum Island is a better choice for the origination of both encephalitis diseases, rather than either Iraq or Cuba...



June  ;-)







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