-Caveat Lector-


A Deadly Play of Power: America to Face Small Pox Epidemics by Christmas /
Coming Winter?

Oct 7, 2002 Anno Domini

With U.S. president George W. Bush determined to enforce regime change on
Iraq over the coming winter, the growing threats and pressure on the Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein could provoke his resorting to ultimate and
last means of deadly revenge: biological warfare - the ways and means to
which were provided to him by the U.S. government.

The Iraqi biological weapons programs were kickstarted by U.S. government
during the Iraq - Iran war, with samples of dozens of lethal bacteria to
be used and cultivated by experts, trained in the U.S. in the art of
biological warfare.

While the current U.S. government is belittling the problem of bioweapons
by explaining the non-existent means of delivery available to Iraq by long
and short range missiles, the possibility of delivery via agents of
is altogether overlooked and ignored in the explanations.

The situation now being similar to before the 911, with U.S. military
arrogance overwhelming the world, the picture and prognosis on future
looks equally bleak when looking at the probable consequences of such
arrogance and brutal U.S. military actions in the world.

After all, it did not take intercontinental missiles to destroy the
World Trade Center towers. All it took was 19 men willing to die, and
many of us living outside America saw the event as inevident as a result
of the then U.S. foreign policies practiced, long before hand, speculating
that something would happen inside America sooner or later as a result of
them. And so it did.

Just as well, the situation now is not identical, but still very similar,
and it does not take a genius to say that Saddam does not need an
intercontinental missile to be able to launch a deadly biowar attack on
America. Everything necessary to conduct such an attack could already be
in place, well in advance.

An epidemic of flu or common cold is a good model of how a biowar attack
would take place, how people would fall ill, and how it would proceed to
kill people among the general population. All it takes is one sick person
in a building and sooner or later, everyone who goes there has come down
with the flu-bug.

A team of suicide agents within America equipped with samples of
deadly bacteria could easily launch a massive biowar attack by simply
exposing themselves to the agents and then taking a "few trips
to the Disneyland." - With the "witches' brew of pathogens," the U.S.
government provided Iraq with, the toll of death would be massive and
the fight against all the diseases provided, near impossible.

While the new U.S. shadow government and the president are undoubtedly
well protected even for attacks such as this, the proceedings to
counter and deal with a country wide epidemic of disease and death,
would be brutal: Martial law all over United States with military
officers in biowar suits enforcing closure by deadly force over entire
cities and counties, with dying and sick people left to their own
means inside. Massive camps holding those possibly sick people or
those under suspicion of terrorism.

Military dictatorship in United States would no-longer be a possibility
but a necessity for the country's survival.



WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. troops are at risk of needless deaths in a
chemical or biological attack because of inadequate training or
protective gear, congressional and Defense Department investigators told
a House panel Tuesday. Democrats opposing a possible invasion of Iraq
cited those problems as more reason to oppose President Bush's request
for a congressional go-ahead for the use of military force. Bush accuses
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of stockpiling chemical and biological
weapons in violation of U.N. resolutions demanding that Iraq disarm.
Investigators from the General Accounting Office and the Pentagon's
inspector general said the military has problems keeping track of its
protective gear, supplying enough protective equipment to troops and
training them in how to work in a contaminated environment. The
survival of our service members and military operations in a chemical or
biological environment may be at risk.

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