-Caveat Lector-


How Long Can China Now
Stand In The Shadows?

By Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons

First: Update on the sniper(s). We note that nearly two weeks into the terror, police are first checking into those with sniper training. The experts are discounting international terrorism because the number of deaths are contained, no massive strike for large numbers of casualties, a believed signature of genuine terrorism. This is because they are missing that the terrorism TO DATE HAS BEEN A MESSAGE. Now, it may escalate. They also seemed pretty slow in admitting to two sniper(s) preferring the psychotic scenario of one very sick person committing the crime. Now, finally they realize it has to be more than one. Moreover, once the message avenue is accepted, then it also ties into the type of people who are willing to shoot a child. Again, our initial perception was people paying America back for the deaths of children due to US policies. We have had our necks on the block on this matter since the first, and while slow, the experts are now confirming a disciplined trained person, which was obvious to us from the first. We continue to believe that the message will be amplified, or the terrorism further expanded, if we see two shootings within minutes in two different areas. Remember aside from the chaos and economic impact, if it is was we say, and remember it occurred literally hours after we expected it (formally for the first time since 9-11), one other critical message is that the US is one vulnerable country, inept, consistent the paper tiger image China paints for the US throughout the world. This message will be heightened should the two contemporary shootings take place, leaving the federal and state authorities which major egg on their faces. If we also are correct, these sniper(s) will not be taken alive, and may take many with them.
We must also note that on the Sunday morning news shows there was absolute no discussion at all whatsoever regarding either the Bali terrorism and the Pakistani elections. Americans should cry as much over the reality of a controlled media as with the sniper(s), because such control in the long run will claim massive lives. So much meaningless news on the sniper(s) spending millions upon millions of man hours of production and audience on nothing meaningful and failing to discuss the true implications thereof. As a result, then speak about Bali and Pakistan two news stories carrying incredible significance in the view of the congressional vote this week.
On June 25, 2002, we wrote that President Bush in his Rose Garden remarks on June 24, 2002, took the battle from Israel and the PLO and made it one between the New World Order and Islam. We wrote that Oslo united the Arab world against Israel, and now, from his remarks, President Bush united the Islamic world against the United States and the West.
Further, to make it crystal clear, President Bush issued on September 20, 2002, the historical National Security Strategy document, letting not only the Islamic world but the entire world know that new US policy was to pursue any perceived enemy at any time to undermine the enemy and colonize it to mold it into the New World Order image for that previous sovereign state.
Moreover, we went deep into the interpretation to show that Israel itself was a successful target of the New World Order strategy and that with its controlled leadership and infiltrated infrastructure, Israel followed New World Order directives, to set up the Middle East region for New World Order domination and control.
Saddam Hussein could have been one way or another removed from office, but he was kept around for the day the New World Order crew needed to capture Iraqi oil and establish a long term residency in the Middle East.
The only dynamic we never would have seen or interpreted and which truly surprises us, if not shocks us, is that President Bush would so openly and brazenly let everyone know it, and act as if he didn't care whether anyone internationally or domestically knew now the truths of the New World Order.
As unfortunately the case, the New World Order knew that ultimately no one could stop it, and despite a couple of unforeseen "minor" problems, such as Senator Byrd pointing out the NSS was a document declaring the US Constitution no longer operative, President Bush got the green light to do what he wants with Iraq, well knowing what he intends to do is trigger a regional war, with Israel needing to take out Syria as part and parcel of the New World Order strategy and design.
The Islamic world clearly sees it, so does Europe and the rest of the world who can't understand the open arrogance and brazenness of the US President. Look at the news stories below, immediately subsequent to the Congressional license to President Bush to act an Emperor Bush.
This is just the beginning. When we wrote on October 3, 2002, that we were expecting the Chinese to send a warning message to President Bush, within hours, we saw the first murders in Montgomery County as that putative message as the local community there sustained not only the fear but the economic consequences seen in Israel from suicide bombings.
The message sent is that the US is highly vulnerable, the most simple act of terrorism foreshadowing the panic and chaos which can result to America if President Bush pursues war against the Middle East (knowing that the war against Iraq is the mask for the true breadth of the war to be launched by President Bush).
However, what we interpreted which China may have missed is that the New World Order strategy doesn't really care about the death and devastation which can consume the world including America.
The control over the media is heart wrenching, with the terrorist attack in Bali taking 150 lives and injuring hundreds falling into the background as the media focused on the sniper(s) saying the same things, essentially nothing at all, endlessly. Of course, the fact, that that the Islamic fundamentalist won incredible victories in Pakistan Saturday gained little air time.
President Bush found out to his surprise that the Middle East was infiltrated and won over by China.
Then Bush since taking office and post 9-11 found out that China wasn't going to play ball with the New World Order agenda.
The oil cartel then interpreted that they may lose their interests in the Middle East and that President Bush needed to harness all US resources to make sure we didn't lose it.
Subsequently, President Bush and his administration pursued avenues which showed a weak hand. First, it was successful in buying Musharraf. However, while President Bush abated nuclear war between Pakistan and India, at least for the immediate term, his entire policy in that area was based on Musharraf.
We interpreted that China would do everything to undermine Musharraf who was aligned with China until Bush sent over an incredible check.
Assassinating him was too extreme it seems, China, like in Nepal, showing, patience, confidence, discipline, in consolidating networks within Pakistan to ultimately undermine him.
With the elections on Saturday, it is clear that the love affair between Pakistan and the US is over. Pakistan can no longer support the US campaign against terrorism, which in any event everyone now knows is a declared war against Islam.
Since all relevant parties are now stuck in the mud of their own mistakes and designs, the only way we see to interrupt a soon to be seen major war in the Middle East is if China persuades Saddam to step down, allowing China to gain control over Iraq, and for China not the US to put in its caretaker government with Chinese protection, and Chinese guarantees to the UN to destroy all WMD.
This totally neutralizes President Bush, China claiming the same rights as asserted for itself by the US. The world will applaud China, and the US will be in quicksand.
Most doubt that Saddam will allow this course to take hold, rather seeing the US prove to the world that it is the evil empire, the new Rome, intent to not only capture Iraqi oil and reserves, but to control the world.
Of course, this puts the US and China on a collision course, where we are sad to say that Bush 43 is intent on proving that China, not the US as China openly claims, is the paper tiger. So in this contest between the two major superpowers, the platform for global war is real in 2003, as we long ago interpreted.
Read the new stories below and you can feel the shadow of darkness moving forward to consume the world.
Counterpoint: The only argument against the above is that the US will move right into and take out Saddam, conquer Iraq, capture and control the oil fields, install a provisional government, colonize Iraq, see Israel move out against Syria and or Iran, militarily conquering the entire region with China sitting quietly saying nothing at all. The US controls OPEC, oil prices collapse, world capitalism prevails, Israel obtains its peace, and the platform for economic world participation and bounty. China then changes its mind, and with a change in leadership adopts the one world government platform of the New World Order agenda. Why not you might legitimately ask. Succinctly put, G-d in all of recorded history never intervenes for those countries under monotheism pursuing policies moving the people away from Him or which operate to defame His Name. The New World Order agenda is anti-G-d; there is no force of man which can conquer it, thus G-d will not intervene to support it. This is our position and we have been uncanny in our accuracy to interpret what would unravel, which did unravel, and thus we interpret that the New World Order agenda will not succeed and we attempted to convey this to those behind the New World Order since they are supreme pragmatists who simply fear it but will not confront the reality until they see themselves defeated. Of course, since they will be in the safety of their bunkers, time they feel does not work against them. They can always throw in the towel, shedding crocodile tears for the endless line of body bags connected to their mistake and covert desire to take over the world.
The American people now join the Israeli people in being passive inept and impotent to recognize that their leadership is now their enemy. The Islamic people are in a rage, and understandably so, when the President of the United States confirms that he is out to capture the Middle East and mold the region into one which changes its relationship with G-d.
Joseph Ehrlich
Sender, Berl & Sons Inc.
October 13, 2002
Iraq's Muslim clerics urge jihad if U.S. attacks
BAGHDAD, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Some 500 Iraqi Muslim clerics and scholars issued a religious edict on Saturday calling on Muslims to launch a holy war to "burn the earth under the feet" of the United States if it attacked Iraq.
"If, God forbid, the aggression takes place, declaring Jihad against the evil American administration is the duty of every able Muslim," said the fatwa, or edict, approved by the clerics and scholars at a meeting in Baghdad.
The fatwa said the holy war should include enlisting to fight alongside Iraq, striking U.S. interests and launching economic boycott of the United States and its allies.
Bali Nightclub Bombing Kills 30
.c The Associated Press
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - A bomb destroyed a nightclub on the tourist island of Bali Saturday, killing at least 30 people and injuring 120 others. Authorities said a second bomb exploded near the island's U.S. consulate.
A huge explosion on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali has killed at least 150 people in a crowded nightclub in the resort of Kuta.
Police say death toll from bombing on Bali resort rises to 171
Sun Oct 13,12:13 AM ET
By IRWAN FIRDAUS, Associated Press Writer BALI, Indonesia - A massive blast ripped through a nightclub on the tourist island of Bali, killing 171 people in what the national police chief on Sunday described as the worst act of terror in Indonesia's history.
Party close to Pakistan army leads "flawed" poll
By Simon Denyer
ISLAMABAD, Oct 12 (Reuters) - A party loyal to Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf emerged on top on Saturday in elections which saw shock gains for hardline Islamists but were dismissed as flawed by European Union observers.
The unprecedented showing by religious parties left them as major players in Pakistan's political power game and could undermine Islamabad's support for the U.S.-led war on terror.
But observers from the EU issued a damning report on the poll on Saturday, slamming the authorities for using state resources to back particular parties and changing the constitution so the military retained ultimate power in Pakistan.
"The holding of a general election does not in itself guarantee the establishment of a democracy," the EU's chief election observer John Cushnahan told a news conference.
Nepal's new PM wants talks with Maoist rebels
KATHMANDU, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Nepal's new Prime Minister, Lokendra Bahadur Chand, said on Saturday his interim government will invite Maoist rebels to peace talks in a bid to end a revolt that has killed thousands and wrecked the economy.
Illustrating the violence that has beset Nepal since the revolt began, suspected rebels detonated a bomb in the capital on Saturday, killing one person. It was the third blast in the capital in little more a week.
Chand said he wanted to hold the talks before fresh elections, originally set for next month.
Americans fear snipers more than terrorists - poll
WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Americans are more worried about snipers like the killer stalking the Washington area than about terrorists, according to a Newsweek Poll released on Saturday.
Forty-seven percent of those polled said they were either very or somewhat concerned that someone in their family might become a victim of a sniper attack. That compared with 43 percent who said they were somewhat or very concerned about family members falling victim to a terror strike.
Malaysia Urges Muslims to Speak Out
.c The Associated Press
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - The Malaysian government on Sunday urged the 57-country Organization of the Islamic Conference to convene an emergency meeting to speak out against military action in Iraq.
Houston Chronicle October 13
The group's latest round of attacks may be a response to the Bush administration's Iraq policy, the officials said. An audiotape of Osama bin Laden's closest lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahri, threatened continued attacks on "America and its allies," and denounced U.S. plans to attack Iraq. "The campaign against Iraq has an objective that is far beyond Iraq to reach the Arab and Islamic world," al-Zawahri said on the tape. U.S. officials said his message appeared to be an attempt to justify and incite renewed violence against American targets.
SenderBerl: Does the US believe the American people are that stupid? Obviously so.
China's Changing of the Guard
Another murky leadership transition leaves the world guessing
By Melinda Liu and William Dobson
SenderBerl: What the US shows is the inability to fully understand China. The US is setting up its NWO strategy to coincide with China's transition, believing that due to the transition China will be least likely to best respond. The US always applies Western logic and it is consistently mistaken. The entire world knows that President Bush has thrown down the gauntlet.

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