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America's Colonial Empire? That Was No Accident

October 23, 2002

In March 1897 President William McKinley took office as
conflict loomed between the United States and Spain over
the Spanish colony of Cuba. The new president firmly
opposed both war and territorial acquisition. "We want no
wars of conquest," he said in his inaugural address. "We
must avoid the temptation of territorial aggression. War
should never be entered upon until every agency of peace
has failed."

Famous last words. When McKinley was assassinated in 1901,
the United States had fought its "splendid little war"
against Spain (the phrase was Secretary of State John
Hay's) as well as a vicious three-year anti-guerrilla war
in the Philippines, and taken possession of a colonial
empire. Along the way, the United States emerged as a world
power, a role that needless to say has continued to grow as
the decades have passed. How did a country isolated on its
side of the Atlantic, with virtually no army or navy and,
more important, no imperial ambitions, acquire the
attributes of nascent superpowerdom in so short a time?

"First Great Triumph" is Warren Zimmermann's readable and
cogent answer to that question. A former senior career
foreign service officer whose last post was ambassador to
Yugoslavia, Mr. Zimmermann specifically credits five men
(McKinley decidedly not among them) for the vision,
determination and political skill that first gave the
United States its global ambition. His book is a history of
the American rise to power and a collective biography of
Mr. Zimmermann's five heroes: Theodore Roosevelt, the
assistant secretary of the Navy and later president; Alfred
T. Mahan, the naval strategist; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
of Massachusetts; Secretary of State John Hay; and the
first American colonial administrator, Elihu Root.

In some respects "The First Great Triumph" tells a familiar
tale. After all, no American who was half paying attention
in high school missed the sinking of the Maine, the Rough
Riders' charge up San Juan Hill or McKinley's midnight
agony of decision over the Philippines - all of them
elements of this American saga.

What gives Mr. Zimmermann's book its special character is
his singling out of Roosevelt, Lodge and company as "the
fathers of American imperialism" and showing how their
vision of the nation was transformed into reality. And that
makes for a good story, full of craggy individualists and
events that retain their power to amaze. Mr. Zimmerman
moreover has a point of view, namely that American
imperialism was not, as other historians have believed, an
accident, a reluctant byproduct of events. It was there
from the beginning.

"The emergence of the United States as a world power was a
culmination, not an aberration," Mr. Zimmermann writes in
his concluding chapter. The near-simultaneous imperial
leaps into the Caribbean and the Pacific in 1898 and
thereafter were the logical next steps in an expansionism
that began with the 18th-century moves into Tennessee and
Ohio. It's no accident in fact that before he became a
public figure, Roosevelt wrote a four-volume history, "The
Winning of the West," which told the stories of the
frontiersmen who settled the territories just west of the
original 13 colonies between 1769 and 1807. "He saw
American history as the history of expansion," Mr.
Zimmermann writes, and unlike McKinley himself, Roosevelt
had none of the anticolonial squeamishness about expansion
that Americans feel today.

In Roosevelt's case, the pro-expansion sentiment was of a
piece with a love of war as "romantic, ennobling and
purifying" and a racist condescension toward "inferior"
peoples that are appalling by today's standards. The other
figures in Mr. Zimmermann's account shared Roosevelt's
basic views - Mahan and Lodge most enthusiastically, Hay
and Root with occasional hesitation.

There were other figures with other points of view,
especially the anti-imperialist camp that emerged from the
same Eastern elite as Roosevelt himself, and Mr. Zimmermann
gives lively accounts of the disagreements between the two
camps. But his book is devoted mostly to an account of why
the imperialist camp not only won the battle over policy
but was bound to win. He reminds us of some famous moments
that reveal the sheer temerity of the imperialist party,
as, for example, when Roosevelt, a mere assistant secretary
of the Navy, waited for his boss to leave the office before
sending a cable ordering the Pacific fleet under George
Dewey to sail to Hong Kong to be in position for an attack
on the Spanish fleet in Manila Harbor.

But in Mr. Zimmermann's account of this fascinating time,
the main advantage enjoyed by Roosevelt, Lodge and company
was that it pressed in the direction where history was
tending in any case. That meant, in the first instance,
replacing the tottering Spanish empire in both the Western
and Eastern hemispheres, and then, imposing colonial rule
in the newly seized territories rather than granting them
independence. Mr. Zimmerman gives detailed accounts of the
second of these decisions, in Puerto Rico, the Philippines
and in Cuba, which was controlled by the United States even
though it did gain nominal independence in 1902. Among the
factors going into the imperialist decision was the belief
that if the United States didn't take the Philippines
itself, another country, most likely Japan or Germany would

If the Cuban and Philippine revolutions against Spanish
rule "had succeeded even in the absence of American
support, as would probably have been the case, two weak
independent countries would have emerged as a prey to
domestic division and foreign penetration," Mr. Zimmermann
contends. Mr. Zimmermann is not blind either to the costs
of empire, including the heritage of animosity toward the
United States in Cuba, or to the racist impulsiveness of
the more ardent members of the imperialist camp. But in the
end, he is an enthusiast for Roosevelt, Lodge and company,
believing that the American rise to power is what preserved
the world from Nazism and Communism, and that without the
five men under his purview, our history would have been
different and not as good.


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