-Caveat Lector-

Hey Euphorian isnt it a small religion because it is a closed membership or
something...I seem to remember reading this somewhere just after Freddy
Mercury died(his parents were in this religion)
The Mermaid x
----- Original Message -----
From: Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 11:16 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Good thoughts, good words, good deeds

> -Caveat Lector-
> >From http://www.journalstar.com/features.php?story_id=32870
> Zoroastrianism: Good thoughts, good words, good deeds
> BY BOB REEVES / Lincoln Journal Star
> This is one of a series of stories on world religions.
> In about 1,400 B.C. a man named Zarathustra Spitama, a member of a warrior
clan in
> ancient Persia, had a vision that had a far-reaching impact on his society
and the rest of the
> world.
> The Persians at that time were predominantly nature worshippers and
believers in a
> panoply of many gods. The angel in Zarathustra's vision told him there was
only one true
> God, whose name was Ahura Mazda, and that Zarathustra was to become his
> Zarathustra (also known as Zoroaster) began preaching and trying to win
converts to his
> new, monotheistic religion. At first he was attacked for his strange new
teachings, but
> eventually the king was converted. Zoroastrianism became the dominant
faith of the Persian
> Empire, which by 600 B.C. spread from its base in modern-day Iran from
India to Asia
> Minor.
> The beliefs and practices of Zoroastrians had widespread influence on
Judaism and
> Christianity, and later on Islam.
> "Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has
probably had more
> influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single
faith," wrote religion
> scholar Mary Boyce.
> The central teaching of Zoroastrianism is belief in the one god, Ahura
Mazda, whose name
> means "Wise Lord." Ahura Mazda reveals himself in six aspects, known as
the "holy
> immortals": Asha (the law), Vohu-Mana (love), Kshthra (loving service),
Armaiti (piety),
> Haurvatat (wholeness or perfection) and Ameretat (immortality).
> Zoroastrianism has often been called a dualism, because the religion
recognizes that the
> world is full of both good and evil. However, Zarathustra taught that both
good and evil
> emanate from Ahura Mazda, who is in control of the world and will
ultimately triumph.
> The evil force is alternatively called Ahriman and Shaitin, from which the
word "Satan" is
> derived.
> Human beings have free will, so they are free to choose good and reject
evil. People can
> achieve perfection in this life by always choosing "good thoughts, good
words and good
> deeds."
> Zoroastrians also believe that after death the soul stays in the body for
three days,
> meditating on the deeds that were done in life. On the fourth day, the
soul journeys to the
> place of judgment. If good thoughts, words and deeds outweigh the bad, the
soul is taken
> into a blissful heaven. Otherwise, the soul is assigned to a horrific
> Over time, Zoroastrians came to believe in a Saoshyant (World Savior) who
will be born of
> a virgin and who will raise the dead and judge all people in a final
> Beliefs in God and Satan, the soul, heaven and hell and the resurrection
are concepts that
> later appeared in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
> Zoroastrians stress the sacredness of nature, including the four elements:
earth, fire, water
> and air. Temples have a perpetual fire, at which priests make offerings by
> sandalwood.
> The religion has a high standard of righteousness, as expressed in
truthfulness, chastity,
> justice, compassion, care of the soil and cattle, charity, education and
> The Zoroastrian holy book is called the Avesta. It includes the original
words of Zarathustra,
> preserved in a series of five hymns, called the Gathas, plus other
writings dealing with laws
> of ritual and practice. Zoroastrians follow a creed in which they promise,
in part,"to ascribe
> to all things good."
> The religion lost its dominance during Greek and Roman times, but
resurfaced in Persia
> after about 200 A.D. When Arabs, followers of Islam, invaded Persia in 650
A.D., most of
> the Zoroastrians fled to India.
> Today, Zoroastrianism is one of the world's smallest religions, with
approximately 11,000
> adherents in Iran, about 100,000 in India (known as Parsis) and others,
mostly immigrants
> from Iran and India, scattered throughout the world. Estimates of the
total number of
> Zoroastrians worldwide range from 150,000 to 200,000.
> (Sources for this article included: "Zoroastrianism" by B. A. Robinson,
"Zoroastrians: Their
> Religious Beliefs and Practices" by Mary Boyce; and "Religions of the
World" by Lewis M.
> Hopfe.)
> Next Week: Christianity
> Reach Bob Reeves at 473-7212 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Copyright © 2002, Lincoln Journal Star. All rights reserved.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
> (but that doesn't stop me from considering it; obviously SOMEBODY thinks
it's important)
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your mouth
> shut."
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