-Caveat Lector-
In the latin languages Jesus is pronounced like HEY Zeus
(in case you didn't know)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: CNN Involved in Jesus Box Hoax

         I was raised in a Roman Catholic Orphanage. Now I worship God as I please (I am a very open minded christian and don't follow any one denomination).
         Friends have asked me why the Roman Catholic crucifix has the sign nailed above the head of Jesus that says INRI. What it means is Ieshua Nazarene Rex Israel (translated Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews).
         The  reason I believe this discovery is a hoax is that His name was not Jesus. It is a bad translation of His name. The name was Yeshua (a form of the name Joshua) in Aramaic and Ieshua (to the Greco- Roman world). The name Jesus is a corruption by people who were hard-pressed to pronounce His name. (Personally I believe that the name Jesus was a blending of the God symbols Jesus and Zeus (many pagan gods had changed over the years when incorporated into other cultures for instances comparing Greek and Roman gods of mythology).
           Also the name Joseph (Joses in Aramaic). His name would have been Yeshua bar Joses (Yeshua son of Joses). Naturally this would have been very confusing at a time in history of no surnames (what we call last names). These were very common names at the time. His mother's name Mary (Miriam in Aramaic) was common also. The King James Bible names four brothers and un-named sisters. The Romam Catholic Church teaches that these had to be children of a previous marriage of Joses. The Bible does say that after the birth of (Yeshua) His mother (Miriam) was a wife to (Joses) implying all the legal and social expectations of a loving marriage up to and assuming the possible presence of other siblings. This would not bother my faith at all if (Yeshua) had other brothers and sisters instead of being the only son of (Miriam) and (Joses).
        Instead we have this notion of (Yeshua) being the only begotten son of God. But even the New Testament traces His Family tree through (Joses) being of the Line of David which makes no sense at all if (Joses) was not His legal or biological father.
         Can someone comment of this subject???
                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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