-Caveat Lector-
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Graphic Alternative To The Official Lie
An Interview With Jim Marrs
By Ericca Feste

In November of 2001 Jim Marrs author of the best selling novel 'Rule By Secrecy' , 'Alien Agenda' and 'Crossfire' was stranded with the rest of us during an ice storm at the cafe. I was able to ask him several questions about current events and his new upcoming book 'Sisterhood of the Rose'.

Jim; how's the new book coming along? What can you tell us about it?

The new book, "Sisterhood of the Rose" is finished and now I am in the midst of the editing and revision process. With any luck it should be on the book shelves some time later next year. I think you will enjoy it. It concerns a group of women who form a secret society to win World War II for the Allies and it tells a lot of truth about the Nazis and their search for occult objects, Solomon's lost treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, the Cathars and Knights Templar and the truth behind the mystery of Rennes le Chateau in southern France.

There have been so many discrepencies in the media about what's really going on in this 'War On Terror' what's your take?

My take is pretty well spelled out in my article "War on Terrorism: Fact or Fiction?" It can be found on my website, JimMarrs.com. If you only take into account the mainstream news accounts since Sept. 11, the view looks one way. But, if one takes the larger historical view, one finds many similarities between our current "war" and past conflicts. For example, just consider: In 1898, the US Battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor killing 260 persons and igniting the Spanish-American War. The American government blamed the explosion on the Spanish, but they LIED. In 1915, the US government sought to galvanize the public into war by blaming the sinking of the liner Lusitania solely on Germany but they LIED. In 1941, The US Government was most successful in stampeding a reluctant American public into World War II by claiming mit had no prior knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but they LIED. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson was granted war-making powers by a Congress angered over a reported attack on the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of Vietnam. The report was a LIE. In 1991, Saddam Hussein was proclaimed the "new Hitler" by President George Bush, who claimed Hussein's movement into Kuwait was unexpected. He LIED as it later turned out that the American Ambassador, acting on orders, had given Saddam a green light for this action. There are too many troubling aspects of the Sept. 11 attack --- the fact that the bin Laden family and the Bush family have so many business and social connections being one of them --- to take this provocation at face value.

In recent article distributed by the Associated Press (http://www.freedomforum.org/templates/document.asp?documentID=15394 ) Larry Flynt of 'Hustler' magazine is sueing the US Military because they are not permitting his journalists to cover the war in Afghanistan. Now with all issues of taste, smut etc.. aside how can they bar the media from covering a war?

The Vietnam War ended because of growing public opposition in the United States, based primarily on the nightly news reports from the battle zone. While many reporters simply took official handouts in the Saigon hotels, many more actually moved with the troops and recorded the day to day operations. The result was quite sobering to the public. In the Gulf War, the military saw to it that few reporters ventured beyond the official briefing tent. Today, in Afghanistan there is virtually no independent reporting. The only difference between Larry Flynt and CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC is that Flynt is raising hell over the military's suppression of the news, while the others have rolled over and played dead. But then, one must understand that the people who control US foreign policy are the same people who own the major news corporations.

If our government was to fully utilize the talents of our nations Remote Viewers - what impact do you think it would have on the war?

Here again is a good example of the government keeping secrets from the public. I know of at least three competent remote viewers who have mentioned remote-controlled aircraft in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks. Perhaps this is why the government officially has denied using remote viewing and has denigrated its usefulness. If private citizens could band together to learn and practice RV, there could be a whole new avenue opened to bypass government deceit.

Any thoughts on what the 'second wave' of terrorism will be?

I don't even wish to think about it because the next round will be biological (anthrax or smallpox) or nuclear (the proverbial suitcase bomb, some 27 of which are missing from the Russian inventory). Ironically, I believe such attacks will only be made if the current "war" with its attendant curtailing of civil liberties begins to lose momentum. So, the more people opposing the "war" and the loss of freedoms, the more likely we'll be to suffer another attack. It is interesting to note that the two worst enemies of the Arab terrorists --- the CIA and the Israeli Mossad --- have not suffered any direct attack.

Our government is now turning it's attention toward Iraq; can you give us a brief overview of their capabilities, history with the CIA, and what we should watch out for?

The history of the Gulf War and how we the American taxpayer funded Saddam Hussein is well documented in my book Rule by Secrecy.  Isn't it funny how our worst enemies of today --- Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein --- both were essentially created by the CIA and have business ties to President Bush and his family? Is this a true war or an internal corporate dispute being financed by US taxpayers?

Jim thanks for answering our questions; I'm having the cook whip you up a great JFK burger - 1/2 pound of ground pork seasoned with Cuban Spices and surrounded by lots of slender fries. Hopefully the roads will clear up soon.

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