-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-443845,00.html

World News

October 12, 2002


French tanker bombers wanted to strike US frigate
By Adam Sage in Paris and Daniel McGrory

ISLAMIC terrorists blamed for blowing up a French
supertanker off the coast of Yemen last weekend claimed yesterday that their intended
target was an American warship.

As French and American investigators said that they had found traces of TNT on the
shattered hull of the Limburg, a known militant group with links to al- Qaeda boasted 
that it
had carried out the suicide attack. The Islamic Army of Aden claimed, however, that it 
been aiming for a US Navy frigate off the port of Mina al-Dabah.

The claim came after a visit to Yemen by Scotland Yard officers to investigate reports 
terrorists supporting Osama bin Laden were plotting to attack a British cruise liner 
Royal Navy warships.

The Yemeni-based terrorists said that when they could not reach the American ship, they
sailed a dinghy packed with explosives into the tanker. The tactic was the same as that
used in the suicide attack on the USS Cole in Aden Harbour in October 2000, in which 17
sailors were killed.

A spokesman for the Islamic Army of Aden told the Asharq al-Awsat newspaper yesterday:
“We would have preferred to hit a US frigate, but no problem because they are all 
The group claimed to have carried out the attack to avenge the execution of one of its
leaders, Abu Hassan, for the 1998 kidnapping of 16 Western tourists.

Yemeni authorities want to know why Abu Hamza, a London-based militant cleric, claimed
that he had evidence that the Islamic Army was behind the attack five days ago. 
Ministers in
the capital, Sanaa, will ask Britain again to take action against him.

The Yemeni Government still says that the explosion on the Limburg was an accident and
US Navy officials said that there was no American warship near the Limburg. But the 
officials said last night that they had no doubt that a suicide squad was to blame.

Michèle Alliot-Marie, the Defence Minister, said that French investigators had found 
of TNT and fragments of another boat.

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--- Ernest Hemingway

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