-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20021028-093219-8569r

Wolfowitz: Clinton let Saddam off lightly

By Pamela Hess
UPI Pentagon Correspondent
>From the International Desk
Published 10/28/2002 9:50 PM

NASHVILLE, Oct. 28 (UPI) -- Former President Bill Clinton's decision to let Saddam 
"get off lightly,"
following Iraq's 1993 attempt on the life of former President George H. W. Bush may 
emboldened the Iraqi leader, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said Monday.

Saddam "was a little surprised he could be caught trying to murder a U.S. president and
get off as lightly as he did," Wolfowitz told reporters at an electronic warfare 
here, adding that this may have emboldened the Iraqi leader.

Wolfowitz, widely viewed as among the most hawkish members of the U.S. administration,
also reflected the apparent recent tilt in U.S. policy towards Iraq, ruling out any 
military action and saying that it wouldn't be necessary if Saddam disarmed.

Clinton launched 23 Tomahawk missiles against the headquarters Iraqi intelligence in 
1993, after receiving "compelling evidence" that the Iraqi dictator intended to kill 
the elder
Bush while he visited Kuwait.

"We must confront this enormous appetite for revenge and consider also that Saddam
Hussein might have concluded from that event that he could risk an extraordinarily
dangerous act and get away with it," Wolfowitz told the Association of Old Crows' 

The attack on the senior Bush has been cited by U.S. officials as one of the reasons 
United States was asking the United Nations for a new resolution approving the use of 
against Iraq.

"After all, this was a guy that tried to kill my dad one time," President George W. 
Bush told
a crowd in Houston, Texas, on Sept. 26.

Wolfowitz was also careful to stress the desire for the United States to act in 
concert with
allies in any military action against Iraq. "We are not a go it alone country, and 
this is not a
go it alone president," he said.

Indeed, he predicted a "very substantial" coalition of countries will be put together 
if it
comes to war.

In common with other U.S. officials recently, Wolfowitz made it clear that Saddam could
avoid military action against Iraq, by disarming his regime of weapons of mass 

"His only hope of survival is a complete change of course," Wolfowitz said.

One of the keys to forcing Saddam to disarm, he added, is getting a new U.N. 
resolution --
no matter how long it takes.

"I think we should all understand to convince Saddam Hussein he has to change there has
to be a clarity of purpose that has been lacking over the past decade.

"That is the key issue ... not arbitrary deadlines," Wolfowitz said, signaling the
administration's intention to stick with the U.N. process. "We absolutely have to 
him this is a new and different ballgame."

Wolfowitz said further that Iraq's flouting of U.N. disarmament resolutions after 1993 
have been a result of the Clinton administration's response, and that the similarly 
response of the international community may have served to reinforce the attitude of 
regime in Baghdad. The soft approach has not gone unnoticed across the world, Wolfowitz

"Countries that have been involved with terrorism have paid relatively small prices 
for doing
so," he said.

The assertion is now part of a standard stump speech Wolfowitz has delivered at least
twice, making the case for strong action to disarm Iraq of its presumed store of 
biological and possible nuclear weapons.

The large build-up of troops in the Middle East, with sizeable contingents of soldiers 
Marines, accelerated carrier battle group deployments and the creation of a forward
operations center in Qatar is intentional, Wolfowitz said.

"The only way to convince him is with a credible threat of force," he said. "It's the 
policy that makes sense.

"It's certainly part of presenting him with the credible threat is (positioning) 
military forces
that could achieve it."

Wolfowitz also played down comparisons with the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan, saying
that rebel forces in northern Iraq would play less of a role in a conflict with Saddam 
U.S. allies had in Afghanistan.

In that country, the Northern Alliance was a standing band of fighters who provided 
all of the ground troops in the opening days of the war.

"The situation is really different" in Iraq, Wolfowitz noted.

"In Afghanistan there was a long-running war between two forces ... and the government
forces were nowhere near as strong as Iraq."

It would be "foolish" to suggest they could play an equal role, he said.

But the same Kurdish groups have occupied a zone of northern Iraq, protected by U.S. 
British planes patrolling the no-fly zone overhead, in a manner that suggests they 
will be a
viable economic and political stabilizing force in a post-Saddam Iraq, he said.

Copyright © 2002 United Press International

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