-Caveat Lector-

US Court Protects Doctors Who Recommend Marijuana

Tue Oct 29, 5:49 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Doctors who recommend medical marijuana to sick
patients cannot be stripped of their licenses to prescribe drugs even though
marijuana is banned by federal law, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday.

In a decision hailed as a breakthrough by medical marijuana advocates, the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling which protects the
constitutional right of doctors to recommend medical marijuana.

"An integral component of the practice of medicine is the communication
between a doctor and a patient," the appeals court's three-judge panel said
in its unanimous ruling.

"Being a member of a regulated profession does not, as the government
suggests, result in a surrender of First Amendment rights."

Federal officials have maintained a tough line against medical marijuana,
taking action against medical marijuana providers even though nine states,
including California, permit medical use of the drug under state law.

After lengthy litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) ruled
last year that clubs formed to provide marijuana to sick patients were
breaking federal law, and law enforcement officials have gone after several
such groups in recent months.

The 9th Circuit, which disagreed with the Supreme Court on the viability of
California's medical marijuana law, said on Tuesday that doctors who
"recommend" -- rather than formally prescribe -- medical marijuana were
simply exercising their free speech rights and should not be punished.

"The record is replete with examples of doctors who claim a right to explain
the medical benefits of marijuana to patients and whose exercise of that
right has been chilled by the threat of federal investigation," the court

The court further rejected the government's assertion that, by recommending
medical marijuana, doctors were inviting their patients to break the law,
noting that there are legal ways patients might seek marijuana, such as
through a government-approved research project or attempting to persuade the
federal government to change the marijuana laws.

Medical marijuana advocates, who say the drug can help patients who are
suffering nausea from chemotherapy, appetite loss from AIDS (news - web
sites) or chronic pain from multiple sclerosis, said the decision was a major

"Today's ruling is a major victory for patients and doctors," Gina Palencar,
policy director of Americans for Medical Rights, said in a statement.

"With physician-patient communications protected, patients in nine states can
assert their rights to use marijuana as medicine."

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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