-Caveat Lector-
Cop says butler told fib
Invited ... Colin Tebbutt


A FORMER royal cop has revealed he attended Princess Diana’s burial — contradicting Paul Burrell’s claim that he was the only member of Diana’s staff there.

Colin Tebbutt, 64, has broken five years of silence after Burrell repeatedly insisted he was the only person outside the immediate family to be invited to the service.

Colin told how he clutched the hand of Diana’s mother Frances Shand Kydd as the coffin was lowered into an island grave at Althorp.

He said: “It was a deeply moving and very emotional service and something I will always remember.

“I want people to know I was invited to the burial by Lady Sarah McCorquodale, Diana’s sister, as a way of thanks for the work I did in Paris after the Princess’s death.

“It is wrong for Paul Burrell to say he was the only person outside the Royal family at the burial at Althorp.

“I was there but have never talked about it. For years my own daughter Lisa did not believe I had been invited to the burial.”

Unlike Burrell, Colin has not asked for any money to describe his part in the deeply moving ceremony on September 1997.

The only other people present at the graveside were Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry and the Spencer family.

The quietly spoken former cop revealed how his tireless work in Paris, in the frantic hours after Diana’s death, prompted a surprise call from Lady Sarah.

Colin said: “Because of what happened in Paris, Lady Sarah telephoned me and asked if I would like to attend the burial at Althorp.

“I was at the funeral with my parner Liz and sat with the other staff opposite the Prime Minister Tony Blair.

“Afterwards I boarded the Royal Train at Euston for the trip to Althorp. We were met at the local station and taken by car to Althorp House, and for the journey I sat alongside Prince William.”

Out of respect for William, 20, and Harry, 18, he refuses to divulge any of their conversation during the sombre trip to Althorp.

At Althorp House, Diana’s family home, Colin joined the Spencers and the royals for lunch.

He said: “Considering what had just gone on it was very composed. Everyone at the table behaved in a very dignified manner and were pleasant to each other.

Grief ... Earl Spencer walks on Althorp
island days after Diana's burial

“The mood was quite upbeat, but I think this was partly because of the boys. Of course it was a sombre occasion but those around the table were not morose. There was no hostility and everyone was talking to each other.”

After lunch the group, which included Diana’s sisters Lady Sarah and Lady Jane Fellowes and their husbands, made their way silently to the small oval island at the centre of a lake where a burial plot had been prepared.

The army had built a temporary wooden bridge and Colin remembers six pall bearers carrying the coffin to its final resting place.

The Reverend Victor Malan, a close friend of the Spencer family, conducted the burial service, which lasted less than five minutes.

After pausing for a few minutes in prayer and silent contemplation, the party filed back across the temporary wooden bridge.

Colin said: “It was a deeply moving and very simple service. I have never really talked about it before because obviously it is deeply private and I still respect the boys William and Harry.

“But because I have not talked about it people do not believe I was actually there.”

At the Old Bailey trial where Burrell was cleared of stealing items of Diana’s from Kensington Palace, the close relationship between him and Diana was highlighted by his personal invitation to the burial service.

Colin said: “Yes, Paul was there was but so was I. I am happy now for people to know Paul was not the only person outside the royal family to be invited.

“For three years after Diana’s death my daughter Lisa did not believe I had been at the service. I took her to Althorp last year and we met Earl Spencer who confirmed it to her.

“Even now many of my friends do not believe that I was there.”

Colin, who was Princess Anne’s personal bodyguard for six years, was due to give evidence at the Burrell trial.

The court had heard how he was one of the first to arrive at Kensington Palace after being alerted that the Princess had been in an accident.

When Burrell and Colin were told Diana had died from her injuries he was asked to fly to Paris.

It was also Colin’s suggestion that Diana’s private apartment be sealed for fear of items being stolen.

The court was told by Michael Gibbins, the head of the Diana’s household, that Prince Charles agreed with the suggestion.

But because Burrell was in such a state of despair and close to suicide he was allowed back into the rooms.

Unlike many other members of staff he had a key to Diana’s rooms and was allowed back inside.

Colin Tebbutt has not asked for or received payment for this interview

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