-Caveat Lector-
Well Zuukie, I'm not so much a "researcher" of these undercurrents as I probably am a theatregoer.
What it seems to me is that you are suggesting that "diversity" of opinion is a part of what some people suggest the media ought to exhibit, and genuine diversity at that.
It seems to be then that part of the complaint from many circles is that the media (news, editorial, opinion, etc., reportage) does not represent their particular line of thinking or that the media is slanted against their ideological or personal viewpoints.
But perhaps they are simply too focused in one direction. They perceive the "good" [favourable] or the "bad" [not favourable] coverage and nothing else in between is permissible or attracts their attention. Hence, only that which gets their attention gets them.
Media proprietors on the other hand need to attract as many readers as they can so as to peddle the hype of their consumer penetrative largesse to their major clientele, namely advertisers. In business, this and associated revenues is really is what keeps their coffers full and afloat. In Newsprint, news is basically space-filler between the advertising.  
To attract potential consumers, media headlines need to be buoyant, bizarre or bad news or generally a combination of all. The mundane, everyday les affaire doesn't sell media because it does not attract the attention of media consumers.
Or, ought the media be a clone of our leading women and men, say George Bush?  One is informed that Mr Bush wants school kids inculcated with "right and wrong" by the government. Sounds very churchy! But at least two questions would be left hanging by this "goal" of  committing government to the "instruction in right and wrong." 
Firstly, is there in fact real consensus about basic values in American culture today? Secondly, even if there is a clear set of values affirmed by a majority, is it a legitimate role of government, or the point of our discussion the media, to inculcate an alleged majority view in the face of strong opposition from a minority? How is the voice of minorities to be heard if the voice of the crowd drowns them out?
As an aside question, you claim that the media is "Liberal" and biased, how then do you answer accusations that it is slanted favourably toward Israel which appears to emanate from a lot of voices, particularly from the vox populi of the Conspiracy fraternity?
----- Original Message -----
From: Zuukie
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???

-Caveat Lector- -Caveat Lector- -Caveat Lector-

By now Dave, if you are any kind of researcher, should know that Barbara Morris was a writer on the corruption of the educational system here in the US.  She wrote two books and had a newsletter for several years.  Her material was excellent.   When she attempted to expose the connection between the Carnegie Foundation and Soviet education system and how they impacted on the US educational system, her information was shunned by all of the major “conservative” organizations and their media spokesmen.  After many effort-full years, at that point she dropped out of trying to inform others of what was going on, knowing that there was no real “conservative” movement.  From what I’ve seen over the past 20 years, her experience was not unique.  Over time I have seen there have been many individuals who tried to break thru the wall of disinformation to reach the public, only to see themselves going against Big Brother’s system of “provision made for dissidents.”  Those new to what is occurring  think all of this change agent stuff has just started with Bush, but refuse to understand it has been going on for a long time now.   Idealistic individual liberals and idealistic individual conservatives are in the same boat, and the boat is sinking. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Zuukie
Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???


Dave, I’ll try to answer your question.  I would protest against a “conservative” press also, as would many conservatives whose voices you never hear.   In the last 20 plus years I’ve seen a major change in who gets the shows and who gets on the shows, even at the local level.  Twenty years ago there were a variety of guests on talk shows who represented the far left to the far right and callers could challenge the viewpoints.   Now we are given hosts and told this is your conservative representative or your liberal representative, all of whom control the message.  What we get from both sides is name calling and emotional pieces of information.  So, I can’t name “conservatives” whose names you would recognize that I would trust.   At the local level, there are many of us who have researched organizations and individuals on our own, just to learn what is happening.  Our voices have been silenced in many ways. 


So why do I identify more with the conservative side than the liberal one?  Perhaps it’s because I learned more about what is happening from those who were labeled conservatives than I learned from the liberal side.  Their literature was more informative than that coming from the side labeled liberal.  Their information was in sync with what I saw happening when I started following information on my own rather than just listening to the media message. 


Other than the pro-life organizations who still  fight a semi-public message, conservatives who have seen what I’ve seen have been marginalized to the point where we know each other because of our outreach rather than because we follow some sort of  conservative leadership.  I don’t deny that there are others who follow the “conservative” leadership, but it’s a phase that individuals go thru.  Conservatives are as susceptible to those who are saying “I feel your pain” as anyone else.  Everyone searches for a community in which they can be at home.  When individuals run into organizations who send the message “I know what you are talking about, follow me” they follow these “provision made for dissidents” conservative leaders whether anti-Semitic, political, militia, religious, or economic conservatives. 


I can’t give you a simple answer.  Those who think I as do don’t have websites or send out article after article.  The only way you will understand what some of us are thinking is to keep researching on your own, going to meetings of various stripes, collecting literature from different sides.  You are on your way with your knowledge that Charlotte I. exists.  When you move on to Barbara Morris’ gathered information, you’ll go even further.  Does this mean that I think that liberals don’t have valuable information to share?  No way.  Parenti is good as is information from liberal sources on the Greens or on the Moonies. 


I trust people of good faith who want to keep learning.  That’s the bottom line no matter whether they call themselves liberal or conservative. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David Sutherland
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???


Well fair enough then.


But to give me an idea of what you would view as the Conservative alternative, could you give me a few names that I cold quickly chase up on the Net to help me understand where you are coming from and in being given the same media coverage and power as the Libels, how a Conservative Press would report the issues? Say maybe three or four prominent names, or institutions that i could review and gauge what in America is the Conservative style of mind.






----- Original Message -----

From: Zuukie

Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???


-Caveat Lector- -Caveat Lector-

David, what good would come of trying to discuss the topic with you?  The search engines can take readers interested in the topic to a large number of sites if they wish to learn facts from either side of the abortion argument.  Anyone wishing to learn how information on the topic is manipulated can compare the information they will obtain from the press on the case regarding pro-life protesters and the abortion clinics which the Supreme Court is hearing in December with what is being said on the pro-life websites.  One of these days if I get bored enough I’ll put together a list of clichés used by the “pro-choice” side to diffuse discussion.



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