Title: Re: [CTRL] This is disgusting
-Caveat Lector-
 If you can stand the number crunching you see what I getting at.
John D. Miller
London, UK
Supernatural Conspiracy: 9.11.2001 – 02.01.2003 – 12.22.2012

To set the mood music so to speak, I suggest the following is perused before I hope you read the calculations of a most diabolical conspiracy that is guiding those of the New World Order by an Invisible Hand to perform according to the Time Laws.
Former Top German Minister
Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum
Posted By: Rosalinda Tuesday, 15 January 2002 Rense.com

Former German Cabinet Minister Attacks Official Brainwashing on September 11th Issue, Points at “Mad Dog” Zbig and Huntington.

Source: Tagesspiegel, Jan. 13 In a full-page interview with the Sunday edition (Jan. 13) of the Berlin {Tagesspiegel} daily, former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow, said he does not buy any of the official theories that have been presented to date, on the events of September 11.

The apparent failure of the U.S. Administration including its 26 secret agencies with an annual budget of $30 billion, to come up with any convincing assessment, was one big problem that von Buelow addressed, in quite some detail.

He then addressed the role of the official "brainwashing of the Western mass democracies" on the Sept. 11 issue, in promoting the new enemy image of "Islamic terrorism," along lines developed earlier, by senior advisors of the U.S. Administration: "I am not the origin of the idea of the enemy image. It originates with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington, two pioneers of American secret intelligence and foreign policies Already in the mid-1990s, Huntington opined that people in Europe and the USA needed someone they could hate -- that would strengthen the identification with their own society. And Brzezinski, that mad dog, already at his time as advisor to President Jimmy Carter, campaigned for the sole right of the USA to all the world's raw materials, especially crude oil and natural gas." Von Buelow also addressed the role of Brzezinski, personally, in setting up the {afghani} operation of armed "Islamic" guerilla warfare against the USSR Afghanistan invasion in and after 1979 -- the Taliban being generated by the same operation, after all.

As for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as such, von Buelow remarked: "Planning the attacks was a master deed, in technical and organizational terms. To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry." He added that laying false tracks of investigation has been an accompanying feature of covert operations ever since they have been launched by influential agencies, so that he is convinced that the full truth behind Sept. 11 still has to be sought. http://www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=16859

OK, so to the Coffer, the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber, of the Great Pyramid, for me the prime reason for the building of the world’s largest tomb, the First Wonder of the World.

"Many investigators have tried to explain the dimensions of this coffer, but none has reached a positive conclusion. However, the majority of the investigators agree on two basic assumptions; the coffer embodies some numerical conundrum and the contents of the coffer corresponds to some standard of volume." -- Livio Catullo Stecchini (1971) - from Notes on the Relation of Ancient Measures to the Great Pyramid

Now the granite sarcophagus, the Coffer, has an internal volume according to the extremely accurate measurements of Sir Flinders Petrie, the Egyptologist, gives the measurements of, the length 78.06 inches x width 26.81 inches x a height 34.42 inches.

Thus a volume, when the height is not 34.42 but 34.420103 inches is 72,034.0 cubic inches, some 41.6863425 cubic feet.

The Maya civilization inhabited a region encompassing southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize and flourished between the third and tenth centuries AD, but by AD1200 their society had collapsed and when 300 years later the Spanish conquistadors arrived, descendants still occupied the area, and still spoke the Mayan language, but had ‘lost’ not only the cities their forefathers had built but much of their knowledge too.

Anyway, we know the Maya calendar has an ‘Age’ which is 13 periods of 144,000 days, that is a Maya ‘Long Count’ of 1,872,000 days, some 5,125.366 years, beginning about August 9th 3114BC and ending December 22nd 2012, when they predict a possible global catastrophe.

The Maya Sun calendar Long Count of 1,872,000 days is of the Sun’s days. Because one revolution of the Sun is 28.4 Earth days, and 100,000 Sun days at 2,840,000 days /Pi + 2,840,000 days is twice 1,872,000.038 days, the Long Count.

And the GRID Code matrix gives a number reference a new ‘identity’, so the volume of 72,034.0 cubic inches, is changed to 144 (12 x 12).

And also when the number reference for Christ or the AntiChrist at 9333 enters the GRID Code matrix it reappears as 144.

So it seems to me that the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber symbolizes the AntiChrist.

The Old Testament speaks of the 12 tribes of Israel, the New Testament the 12 disciples and the ‘First Fruits’ the 12,000 Jewish men of 12 Tribes that have been especially selected and are said to be standing on the heavenly Mount Zion. Thus the number 12 is a heavenly number.

The Supernatural Conspiracy in Time.

September 11th 2001 and February 1st 2003

A Sun’s day of 28.4 Earth days x 2 is 56.8 Earth days and divided by the period in years from September 11th 2001 to February 1st 2003 of some 1.3921865 years is 40.799131 and as cubic feet, is the volume of granite frame of the sarcophagus. And the volume of the frame added to the internal volume of 41.6863425 cubic feet (72,034.0 cubic inches) is 82.48547359 cubic feet.

And Sir Flinders Petrie’s hundreds of measurements of the full volume of sarcophagus is about 82.48547359 cubic feet, for he gives 89.62 inches in length 38.5 inches in width and 41.31 inches in height and I actually need 41.31005 inches to ensure my volume.

So the time from September 11th 2001 to February 1st 2003 changes two Sun’s days of 56.8 Earth days to the volume of granite frame of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

September 11th 2001 and December 22nd 2012 and February 1st 2003

And counting from September 11th 2001 to the Maya end of an Age date at 12:00:54am on December 22nd 2012 (54 seconds after midnight), it is 11.2792685 years.

And counting from February 1st 2003 to December 22nd 2012 is 9.887082 years.

Then by multiplying 11.2792685 years x 9.887082 years is 111.5190526 and squared twice, and /8 and squared once is equivalent to 72,034.0 cubic inches x 72,034.0 cubic inches x 72,034.0 cubic inches.

Thus the period from February 1st 2003 to the Maya end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’ on December 22nd 2012 reveals the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, a sarcophagus that reveals the number 144, a number formed out of the sarcophagus, and the same as that of the reformed number of the AntiChrist.

Whereas by increasing the period of September 11th 2001 to December 22nd 2012 by less than one minute it is now 11.27926908 years so the multiplication of both periods is now 111.5190809 and squared twice x 3/8 is 58,000,000 the basic reference for great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, so she is also out of the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. A goddess of the cities, the goddess of Babylon, the maker of the Coffer.

So I suggest there is a supernatural conspiracy here and that Invisible Hand is working the trigger fingers of whom he/she so pleases.

I await February 1st 2003 with some trepidation.
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