-Caveat Lector-

A warning possibly referring to Al-Qaida was given to scientist and dolphin
researcher John C. Lilly in the 1970s during a "Conference of Three Beings"
as described in his autobiography, "The Scientist."

He was told there are 5 ways humans can destroy themselves in the near
future. They are/were:

1. Nuclear weapons and technology.
2. Biological and chemical weapons.
3. Creation of artificial forms of life.
4. Quoting from the book (1988 edition), p. 196: "The fourth danger area in
which they are caught has to do with the organization of large human groups
with belief systems counter to survival of themselves and other human
groups. There are peculiar human values connected to territory, connected to
such dogma as, "My beliefs are greater than yours; you must take on my
beliefs or I will kill you.' They have developed methods of training their
children in their traditional beliefs. These entrenched beliefs then cause
the children as adults to cohere to one another and to their traditions in
ever larger groups. Such human structures lead them to use other methods on
one another in order to kill rather than educate those they call their
enemies. As their power over natural processes increases, these dedicated
groups are likely to obtain enough control over the first three methods to
sacrifice the rest of humanity and the other organisms of Earth in a futile
struggle to master one another."
5. The human species' arrogance in killing other species.
> http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20021203_1200.html
> U.S. Can Target American al-Qaida Agents
> American Citizens Working for al-Qaida Overseas Can Be Targeted for
> Strikes, Officials Say

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