-Caveat Lector-


MAKING LIGHT OF TORTURE: What to make of this
astonishing article
at Slate? Am I hallucinating or is Tim Noah actually equating
Saddam's torturing of political enemies with consensual safe
sado-masochistic sex between adults? Here's one memorable
phrase, glibly posited by Noah as if he is saying something
clever: "[O]ne man's recreation is another man's torture."
Excuse me? Tell that to those tortured to death by Saddam.
This moral equivalence is far worse, I think, than equating Miss
World contests with forcing women to wear burqas. It
trivializes enormous evil; and makes light of the hideous
suffering inflicted on Saddam's enemies. Somewhere in some
dark prison right now, someone is being electrocuted, or burnt,
or pummeled or tortured by Saddam's henchmen. And Noah
finds a way to equate that with free, consensual, sado-
masochistic games: "It would be less awful if [Saddam's]
victims were willing. But how much less awful?" The answer
is: less awful by a universe of awfulness. One has to ask: What
universe is Noah in that he can even begin to think this way?
How desperate is he for something to write that he can come
up with this angle? Would he equate Stalin's gulags with
leather-fetish clubs? Would he trivialize Hitler's holocaust by
remarking how similar it is to some bondage games? Maybe he
thinks he's being funny. He's not. He's being depraved. Maybe
he's just peddling titillating details about S&M into what's
supposed to be credible journalism. Or maybe his goal is to
stigmatize people with unusual sex lives just for the hell of it.
But to do so by equating it with political torture is
unequivocally vile. And there's something about his chirpy
repetition of the third person "Chatterbox" device while making
light of the hideous torture of political prisoners that is truly
sickening. Of course, he has the disclaimer: "By no means does
Chatterbox mean to make light of these horrible practices.
Quite the opposite: Chatterbox is trying to add a little weight to
decisions about personal pleasure that shade into voluntary
mutilation." Maybe Chatterbox should take a tour of Saddam's
gulags before he writes such obscenities again.
- 3:44:01 PM

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