Title: Re: [CTRL] Latest attack on Jews brings a deafening silence
-Caveat Lector-

Funny Bill

That’s how I feel about those on the other side of this debate.

In fact, I am always careful to criticize what I think deserves criticism against Israel, and there is a lot to be critical of. I am also critical of those who use terror and murder and pretend it’s politics.

I constantly decry the violence from both sides (as if 2 covered it)

And at the same time I am called by you a Zionist and a Nazi ( I( am neither) and consistently being asked to justify Sharon, who I hate, and you oft tell me what my opinion is, based on your view of me as seeing it in Black & White, because I'm Jewish.

You are the one with Broad monochromatic brush friend, don’t confuse your filter, with my opinion.

on 12/05/02 5:18 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/5/2002 1:27:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think most who oppose Israel's occupation and oppression
of the Palestinians are not 'anti Israel' -  they are anti colonialist
and anti occupation. Also many are against the US being an aider
and abettor of Israeli's state terrorism and blatant racialism.

Opposing Israeli occupation and brutality is akin to being a Nazi to the radical Zionazis here...they only see black and white.

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