-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday, 11 December, 2002, 09:16 GMT
eBay hit by credit card scam

The world's largest online auction site eBay has been targeted by fraudsters using a
shadow site to steal credit card details from its 55 million customers.

The scam involved sending e-mails to customers asking them to log on to a Florida-based
website - ebayupdates.com - and re-submit their financial details.

[eBay] never asks its
users for their user ID and password

"We at Ebay are sorry to
inform you that we are having problems with the billing information of your account," 
the e-
mails said, writing the name incorrectly with a capital E.

"We would appreciate it if you would visit our website [Ebay Billing Center] http://
www.ebayupdates.com and fill out the proper information that we are needing to keep you
as an Ebay member."

US internet watchdog SANS Institute Internet Storm Center has issued a warning about 

Taken down

In a statement to BBC News Online, eBay said it "never asks its users for their user 
ID and

"Fraud constitutes less than 0.01% of all transactions that take place on the site," 
it added.

The shadow site has been taken down.

The e-mails began appearing about a week ago.

eBay warning

The WHOIS database of websites showed ebayupdates.com was registered in Niceville,
Florida on 6 December this year.

California-based eBay has issued warnings on its site about e-mails asking for 
passwords or
credit card details.

"Some members have reported attempts to gain access to their personal information
through e- mail solicitations that are falsely made to appear as having come from 
the company said.

"These solicitations will often contain links to web pages that will request that you 
sign in
and submit information...eBay employees will never ask you for your password."

In November it was reported that some eBay customers' e-mail addresses could be seen on
the company's website.

See also:

04 Oct 02 | Business
Q&A: How to beat online

05 Dec 02 | Business
Internet auction scam

26 Nov 02 | Business
Fraud fears still hamper
online sales

19 Jul 02 | Business
Optimistic eBay's profits

08 Jul 02 | Business
Buoyant eBay snaps up bills

Internet links:

SANS Institute


The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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