Henry Kissinger: We Can Do Anything We Want!

by Victor Thorn
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
                                                                        Henry Kissinger

With the appointment of Henry Kissinger as chairman of the “Independent” 9-11 Investigative Commission, those who front the New World Order have officially told the American people that they can do anything they want to without any retribution or backlash. Oh sure, the Internet was buzzing with activity for a few days after this appointment and a few editorialists are writing columns, but in essence, this is just another example of their utter lack of regard for us. And what are we doing? Nothing. We’re still sitting around watching Big Brother stomp his mighty boots all around us while the War Machine gets ready to indulge its bloodthirsty appetite yet again.

Mike Pope wrote in The Tallahassee Democrat, “Henry Kissinger should be tried for crimes against humanity, not put in charge of a commission to investigate the September 11, 2002 tragedy.”

He continues, “Kissinger is notorious around the world for his direct role in orchestrating some of the bloodiest interventions carried out by Washington over the past five decades. He has ordered and sanctioned the destruction of civilian populations, the assassination of inconvenient politicians, and the kidnapping and disappearance of soldiers, journalists and clerics. That he has eluded punishment for his actions is a testament to how the crimes of the rich and well-connected seldom receive the full application of justice.”

And now George W. Bush and his handlers have shown the entire world that we will not only harbor this depraved madman, but we also condone his actions by putting him in charge of this investigation. When added with the atrocities that will result from the Homeland Security Act, we’ve all but surrendered any fight that we had left as a people.

WHY? When are we going to start fighting back? How much further do they have to push us until we’re completely defenseless lackies with no hope for future rights? Kissinger is the final slap in our faces, the last indignity. Can’t you see what message they’re DIRECTLY sending to us? WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT TO, AND WHO’S GOING TO STOP US? When the news of Kissinger’s appointment broke and they saw our computers buzzing with indignation, the Controllers must have been laughing with glee. And why shouldn’t they? Through our inaction, we’ve essentially given them carte blanche to do anything that they want to. In their position, would any of us act differently? Probably (because we actually have a conscience and regard for our fellow man), but that’s beside the point.

What I’m trying to hammer home to you is the following: If we continue doing what we’re currently doing – writing articles and sending them around the Internet without doing anything else, nothing in the world will get any better. In fact, things will only get worse because the status quo will prevail. What we need to do is become organized like they are. The Controllers hold conferences in Geneva, Washington, D.C., New York City and Vienna. They pool their resources and plot out future courses of action. Then they implement their plans. And what do we do? We continue to remain fractured, apart from each other, and unorganized. Why? What are we afraid of? What do we have to lose? The answer is that we don’t have anything to lose because what we do have they’re slowing taking away from us!

Don’t you get it? The entire complexion of the world is changing right before our very eyes, but it’s for THEIR BENEFIT, not ours. And how do we react? We don’t! We still do nothing. Why? Every single person reading this article should go to our WING page (World Independent News Group – and start contacting every other person and group and let them know that ORGANIZATION AND ACTION are our only alternatives. Then they need to tell every friend, colleague, family member, neighbor, and person on their e-mail list to log onto the WING page and start finding out the truth for themselves. We have links to over 100 of the absolutely best sites existing in the world today. But we need to tell the people running these sites that information isn’t enough. We need to follow-up and show that we have strength in numbers, too. If we all come together and let our voices be heard in unison, the powers-that-be will realize that we’re not going to simply lie down and let them steamroll over us.

Why shouldn’t we do this? Why shouldn’t we organize a massive rally that cannot be ignored? There are no good reasons not to. Don’t we care about our rights, our Constitution, and our freedom? If we do, then we should start acting like it! Freedom isn’t simply a notion; it’s an ACT – the ACT OF FREEDOM. Or, as a plaque on the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. states: Freedom is not Free! So e-mail the movers and shakers in the alternative news scene and tell them that they need to promote this movement. Where is Jeff Rense? He gets 7,000,000 hits a month. We’ve contacted him over and over again, yet he fails to act. Where are Art Bell and George Noury from the “Coast-to-Coast” radio show? They broadcast in over 550 different markets. Why aren’t they allowing guests on their show that tell the truth about 9-11?

We need to seriously start asking ourselves these questions and decide once and for all who wants to join together and who doesn’t. What other alternative do we have? To keep sitting around in front of our computer screens while George Orwell’s vision of 1984 becomes a reality? It’s getting closer every day folks, and do you know what’s next? Forced vaccinations on a massive scale, implanted computer chips, crippling the Internet as we know it, increased surveillance and snooping, plus more criminal acts under the guise of ‘terror prevention.’ What’s most disappointing about our predicament is that we have the technology right at our fingertips to react to their onslaught against us. With the Internet we have instant access to anyone in the world. Yet we’re not using it to become mobilized. Why? If Jeff Rense and the Art Bell crowd alone would commit themselves to getting the word out, we could get a huge groundswell of support. We’d reach MILLIONS of people who are absolutely fed-up with what’s going on in this country. Once they started spreading the word, we’d be on our way to making real, substantive change. So, please e-mail Jeff Rense at: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or e-mail Art Bell at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] But don’t just stop at them. Contact every other organization on the WING page and let them know that it’s time to ACT. It’s either that, or we can keep letting Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, John Pointdexter, George Bush (Sr. & Jr.), Richard Perle, and the rest of the New World Order crowd do whatever they want to. From my perspective, there is only one alternative – WE NEED TO START ACTING, and WE NEED TO DO IT NOW!

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