-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

N.H. diocese admits likely violations Signs agreement with AG's office By Stephen Kurkjian, Globe Staff, 12/11/02 "The Roman Catholic Diocese of New Hampshire yesterday became the first diocese in the country to admit it may have violated criminal law by failing to protect children from sexually abusive priests. Facing the likelihood that the diocese would be indicted Friday on multiple counts of violating New Hampshire's child endangerment statute, Bishop John B. McCormack signed a legal agreement with the state acknowledging that the attorney general's office had accumulated sufficient evidence to secure convictions." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/345/metro/N_H_diocese_admits_likely_violations+.shtml

Criminal Investigation - Church impedes state probe into abuse, Reilly says By Walter V. Robinson and Sacha Pfeiffer, Globe Staff, 12/11/02 "Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly said last night that the Archdiocese of Boston has been using ''every tool and maneuver'' to impede a criminal investigation by his office that he said has documented an ''elaborate and decades-long'' scheme by the church to cover up crimes of sexual abuse by priests. Reilly declined to say how his office has responded to the archdiocesan tactics. But law enforcement officials, who declined to be identified, said Reilly's investigators have had to use grand jury subpoenas to get at church documents - despite public pledges by church officials to cooperate with the attorney general's office. Asked in an interview whether Cardinal Bernard F. Law has received a subpoena to testify before a grand jury, Reilly said: "No comment.'' Reilly said the church has given the public a false impression that it is cooperating with prosecutors. In fact, he said, ''the archdiocese has used every tool and maneuver available to them to keep us from the facts we need to come to a resolution of this investigation." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/345/metro/Church_impedes_state_probe_into_abuse_Reilly_saysP.shtml

from L Moss Sharman
Ex-priest preyed on teen boys, court told 5 victims relate abuse to boost bid for long sentence
By Matt O'Connor "Testimony revealed for the first time that the Chicago archdiocese learned of McCaffrey's sexual misconduct as early as 1980 but returned him to parish duties after he had undergone in-patient treatment. The archdiocese has previously said its records indicated it first learned of the allegations of sexual wrongdoing against McCaffrey in 1987. He was removed from parish duties in 1991 due to reforms instituted by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. McCaffrey...admitted he resumed molesting underage boys within months of his release from the sexual-addiction treatment center in 1980. He said he had entered the center at the direction of the archdiocese. McCaffrey admitted molesting at least 12 to 14 boys during hisyears as a priest, but under cross-examination by Assistant U.S. Atty. T. Markus Funk, he acknowledged he really didn't know how many he victimized because there were so many." http://www.chicagotribune.com/

Infants Now Murdered As Often As Teens Actual Rate May Be Higher, Experts Say  By Laura Sessions Stepp,  Washington Post Staff Writer 12/10/02 "The homicide rate for U.S. infants is now virtually equal to the murder rate for teenagers, according to a new analysis of government data that revealed a
surprising demographic milestone....In fact, experts said, a child is at greater risk of being murdered during the first year of life than in any other year until the age of 17, when guns become more accessible."

Iraq accuses US of seeking to test hi-tech weaponry
Xinhuanet 2002-12-10 06:32:51
CAIRO, Dec. 10 (Xinhuanet) -- A visiting Iraqi official on Tuesday accused the United States of seeking to test its hi-tech weaponry in a war on his country.   "The United States does not want to see UN arms inspectors succeed, therefore, it could attack Iraq and test new weapons, even though Iraq honors its commitments," Hassan Abdul Moneem al-Khattab, president of the Iraqi planning committee, told reporters.   "Iraq is in favour of any solution which keeps the region free from any war," said al-Khattab, who made a stopover here on his way to Morocco.

STOA PUBLICATIONS  STOA Interim Study · Executive Summary · September 1998 PE 166.499/Int.St./Exec.Sum./en AN APPRAISAL OF THE TECHNOLOGIES OF POLITICAL CONTROL  Updated Executive Summary prepared as a background document for the September 1998 part-session
Surveillance technology can be defined as devices or systems which can monitor, track and assess the movements of individuals, their property and other assets. Much of this technology is used to track the activities of dissidents, human rights activists, journalists, student leaders, minorities, trade union leaders and political opponents. A huge range of surveillance technologies has evolved, including the night vision goggles; parabolic microphones to detect conversations over a kilometre away; laser versions, can pick up any conversation from a closed window in line of sight; the Danish Jai stroboscopic camera can take hundreds of pictures in a matter of seconds and individually photograph all the participants in a demonstration or March; and the automatic vehicle recognition systems can tracks cars around a city via a Geographic Information System of maps.
New technologies which were originally conceived for the Defence and Intelligence sectors have after the cold war rapidly spread into the law enforcement and private sectors. It is one of the areas of technological advance, where outdated regulations have not kept pace with an accelerating pattern of abuses. Up until the 1960s, most surveillance was low-tech and expensive since it involved following suspects around from place to place, using up to 6 people in teams of two working 3 eight hour shifts. All of the material and contacts gleaned had to be typed up and filed away with little prospect of rapidly cross checking. Even electronic surveillance was highly labour intensive. The East German police for example employed 500,000 secret informers, 10,000 of which were needed just to listen and transcribe citizens' phone calls.
By the 1980s, new forms of electronic surveillance were emerging and many of these were directed towards automation of communications interception. This trend was fuelled in the US in the 1990's by accelerated government funding at the end of the cold war, with defence and intelligence agencies being refocussed with new missions to justify their budgets, transferring their technologies to certain law enforcement applications such as anti-drug and anti-terror operations. In 1993, the US department of defence and the Justice department signed memoranda of understanding for "Operations Other Than War and Law Enforcement" to facilitate joint development and sharing of technology. According to David Banisar of Privacy International, "To counteract reductions in military contracts which began in the 1980's, computer and electronics companies are expanding into new markets - at home and abroad - with equipment originally developed for the military. Companies such as E Systems, Electronic Data Systems and Texas Instruments are selling advanced computer systems and surveillance equipment to state and local governments that use them for law enforcement, border control and Welfare administration."What the East German secret police could only dream of is rapidly becoming a reality in the free world."
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