On Tue 13 Jun 2017 at 04:25:23 -0500, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> My gut says that _doing_ the right thing probably isn't that hard; the
> tricky thing will be doing it in all the right places.  I don't know
> much about the whole vscreen/xinerama/etc implementation, but from
> what I've seen I think it's probably pretty hard on the "quick&dirty"
> side of things.
> A lot of things probably only appear to work by accident due to the
> rather simple model when the rule is "everything's a giant rectangle".
> Change that model, and I'll bet we'll find all _sorts_ of bizarre
> schrodinbugs coming out of the woodwork...   should be great fun   :)

Well we'll just HAVE to try it out! :-)

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl    -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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