We've accumulated up a fair number of minor bugfixes and tweaks since
4.0.1, so I'd like to get a 4.0.2 out the door with 'em.

I've cut a snapshot tarball of the current head (r620) to make it
easier to test for people not used to running out of VCS, available at

  SHA256 (ctwm-4.0.2-pre.20180819.tar.xz) =

Changes can be seen in CHANGES file in the tarball, or online at
They include several fixes for edge-case crashes (mostly involving
multi-Screen setups), various focus-handling fixes, the just-landed
naming changes, and a few other minor tweaks.  I've been consistently
running the head (and often not-yet-head) on several systems without
problems, so it's at least moderately stable.

Got some spare minutes and a hankering to help de-bleed the edge?
Give it a whirl, from snap or VCS!  I'd like to go ahead and make a
release out of things in a week or so unless a surprise turns up.
Then we can start doing bigger and riskier things toward a bigger and
riskier 4.1.  High on the list; Max's RANDR changes.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fulle...@over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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