On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 11:43:36AM -0400, Wayne wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 03:57:02PM +0200, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> > 
> > In the version of ctwm currently running on my machine (3.6),
> > xvile in fact *does* get the input focus, but the window frame
> > does not change color to indicate this.
> > 
> > The problem is that xvile does not set the "Input" window
> > manager hint.  According to the XSetWMHints manual page,
> > 
> >   Applications that expect input but never explicitly set
> >   focus to any of their subwindows (that is, use the push
> >   model of focus management), such as X Version 10 style
> >   applications that use real-estate driven focus, should
> >   set this member to True.
> > 
> > Quick fix: in the file "x11.c" in the vile source code,
> > change
> > 
> >   hints->flags = IconPixmapHint;
> > 
> > to
> > 
> >   hints->flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint;
> > 
> Thank you for the response Tadziu. That does indeed correct the issue.
> Based on the description of how hints are used I can't see any reason why
> InputHint bit shouldn't always be set.

I don't know enough about low level X details but could it be that
InputHint is set by default for new windows?  If I change the above
line to:

        hints->flags |= IconPixmapHint;

It works as expected, so I assume that the InputHint bit is set in the
hints returned by XGetWMHints().

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