On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 10:12:29AM -0400 I heard the voice of
Stefan Monnier, and lo! it spake thus:
> For some reason, ctwm obeys this setting not only for normal windows
> but also for fullscreen windows.  [...]
> That seems like a bug to me.

It's probably a matter of definition, what _should_ happen there.  I
don't know fd.o stuff well enough to know offhand whether there's
specified behavior or not.

It doesn't seem unreasonable to make a distinction between the
behavior of reserved spaces in the f.fullscreenzoom case, vs.
f.fullzoom and the other *zoom's.  Really, fullscreenzoom needs some
work in general anyway, to deal with how it treats the window
decorations.  Now that we have the RLayout stuff, the cheat it does is
no longer quite as clever, and often amusingly (if you're feeling
charitable) visible.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fulle...@over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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