On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 07:39:37AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker, and lo! it spake thus:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 12 Apr 2005 17:11:38 -0500, "Matthew 
> D. Fuller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> fullermd> Faster mirrors would probably be a big plus, as I'm getting
> fullermd> 10k/s,
> 10k/s?  There's something else bogging on the way between you and my
> server.  I get around 75k/s from a very well connected size
> (stacken.kth.se).  It may be that some other traffic was going on as
> well, it sometimes happens that I download some big thing to check
> out, and that sometimes affects traffic quite a lot.

Yeah, it's about what I'd expect out of 256k, not 1m.  Of course,
there's an awful lot of net between here and there; 25 hops or so,
with ~160ms RTT's.  If my memory is working (always questionable :),
that's around the same speed I got a few months back, too.  I just did
another run, and got about the same:

[0:42:08] mortis:/tmp
(ttypd):{381}% fetch http://ctwm.free.lp.se/preview/ctwm-3.7-alpha6.tar.gz
ctwm-3.7-alpha6.tar.gz                        100% of  787 kB   11 kBps 00m00s

So I s'pose it's a permanent condition of this particular network
path, sadly.

> fullermd> http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/dl/ctwm-a6-patch.gz
> Uhmm, that's a patch of a FreeBSD, with patches of patches...  OK,
> I'll look it through and see what I'll do with it...

Oh, yes.  It's a patch of the ctwm port (at least, what the ctwm port
was a day or three ago; pretty sure it hasn't changed) to pull 3.7-a6.
And some of the patches in the port have changed, so it patches the
patches.  Think of it as security by obscurity  ;>

I've built and installed a6 from it, and it seems to be working right.
Not of much interest to people who don't use the FreeBSD port,

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/

"The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
      haven't figured out how to light the middle yet"

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